Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good morning, loves!

It's not just Valentine's Day, it's also Tuesday the 14th which is a horrible day for scheduling. I'm short-staffed for the morning.

Here's a little thing for you to read up on because it's good to know
It makes a hell of a lot of sense.

I had a lovely conversation about a future project, henceforth called THE FUN HOUSE, with she who dubbed herself as a lactose intolerant-friendly caffeinated drink. It had lots to do with tape, perspex, bubbles, lights, music, drinks and slides. It could be actualised by way of a festival or just a one-off event. Although, and even if it is geared as a socially conscious thing to want to do, the cost itself would be a force to be reckoned with. We're talking some major moolas and sponsors.

Anyway, I sit here pondering the scheduling for the remainder of this week and the whole of next. The final leg of Strandbeest. I am somewhat relieved that it's almost over.

Tangent: I had the best dream ever but I can't remember most of it. The important bits though, BAHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE... Brain, you make me smile when I feel shitballs.

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