Sunday, February 06, 2011

Two post day. Haha.

Mom and Dad just got back and I have in my room a pair of winter boots, a winter jacket, some socks and gloves... Oh, yeah, and two belts. Yay!

I just got back from a Brazillian. Not as painful as everyone says it is. It also helps that Tutti Frutti was in the viscinity and the downstairs is rather numb. Total spent today: RM120.00
Oh, my.

Getting married according to Malay customs is truly a tedious affair... So many ceremonies. Especially when it comes to the bit about 'bersanding' which is just to announce to the public that you have become man and wife... Also, it costs a lot of money that could be used as the downpayment for the new home. Which in my case would be a nice 3 bedroom apartment for the first five years. Why am I writing so much about marriage? I dunno, maybe because I feel like it and it seems that many people are getting hitched. I'm at that age where the world around me is involved with pairing up and spawning.
For my hantarans, I want the complete gaming system for the PS3 and 5 games of my choosing, a quadracopter and I forgot what else...

I have to now stomp around in my new winter boots.

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