That's not all! When life is stricken with a malady of malcontent and lethargy there is no cure. One can only hope to live through the day hoping to go back to sleep whence the sun retreats its shining rays to let you shut your eyes in the dark glory of the night.
There's tonnes of words there that, simply put, means I want to curl up into bed and sleep. Staring at the laptop for long hours daily without the subtext of work does melt your brain much. A conclusion to, TV is bad. So is TV on the laptop.
*buggers off to get a glass of water*
January is for updating the games and music found in my PSP, tentative Oyster Parties, falling back into the loop of waking up in the mornings, getting back to sleeping not later than 1AM and pretending that there's hope in the new year.
So, any ideas for any good PSP games?
Comic Updates, sk8!:
The plot is running along very nicely. The problem is, I'm not sure whether or not to do the plot in nicely written form or straight sketches on paper to be passed to the illustrator. If I did it in full written form it would be entirely up to the illustrator to do the drawing but I expect I shall have to partake in the ideas as well. As of now, though, it's being written in story form. Kind of like the type you get from a published book. I need to finish the goddamn thing damnit!
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