Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I know it's REALLY LAME (stop judging me...) but I have the sudden urge (yes, urge... I can hear you judging me... stop it) to play with that tamagochi/digimon thing back in 1999 (THERE IT IS! JUDGERY!). It's as big as the Sims 2 playing urge is... no, no it's not.

I remember I kept killing the poor sod and had to restart it over and over and over and over and over again. And to prove a point, I killed a cactus because I over-watered it-- THREE cacti. Therefore, Sharoose = pet fail, to quote from Demetri Martin, I'm less nurturing then a desert. Sedih.

Speaking of massive fail, (and Orangdilangit, I blame you) I had the epic muflisness playing Monopoly with Dan and Junes again. I had control of the Light Blue areas and had built hotels on it. NOBODY LANDED ON THE THINGS until I muflis'd... then they started landing like a few buckadjillion fofillion times.

*glares at Orangdilangit for 5 minutes or so*

Haaaanyway, on to Sk8!, days kept occupied by random shit, loafing around, baking, baking, baking and eating those delicious baked goodness. Oh yeah, and fraternising with humanity. Have I not already voiced out my preference to hermitage, and for the record and the millionth time, there is no such word, I made it up?

As an end-note,
Mein mutter ist off her whacker in more ways than one. I fear menopause... Hers.


Glitter said...


Glitter said...

and oi, u called my xanga blog verbose!!!! so insulting. Hmph.

Sha said...

whaaaaat? compared to your other blog which is picture-y.... kinda makes sense!