Monday, November 09, 2009

Life gives you lemons because you strafe off doing PD2 until 1:10 AM on the day of double-barrel classes...

Oh, dear Poncyprincypoo, I loathe thee and thine anal retentivity.

I am betting that the rest of my class have not completed their drawings either and that makes him the most awful lecturer EVER.

Poop and gonads, man... Poop and gonads.


Prince Pros - He's too kind when it comes to seriously late submissions hahahahaha...
... and this means he ain't such a douchebag after all. He may be Prince but he is the King of Analretentiveland.

Turns out that 'VG' means 'very good' and it's for the grading scheme. It is not in any way affiliated with the fire safety code and stuff.


Glitter said...

poopsie gonadsie =)

Sha said...

poopie gonadssss! hahahah