Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So this is me being a FATAList and not a FAT(e)alist...
We're all going to die.


If we're all going to die, why do people still go out of their way to create drama.
Drama, drama, drama.
Everything in alot of people's lives involve alot of DRAMA!
You come up with it, you gossip about it, you strive to live it...
AND, as if that wasn't enough, you people gather around the idiot box and watch it ceremoniously!

"Oh, my God, I have to get home (insert name of show here) is on! I never miss it! I'll die if I don't watch it!!!" says one person.

"I know! I can't live without (insert name of show here)!!! Life means nothing without it!" proclaims another.

*commence with all the show updates and 'remember-that-episode's*

I would like to think I don't follow... I don't like watching drama... I watch Monty Python skits. There's a difference.

Now that that's off my chest I shall now move on back to "We're all going to die."

We're all, and nobody is exempt from it, going to die, as in poof-your-body-is-now-an-empty-shell.

Lately, I've been getting a lot of posts about the end of the word, commencing 21st December 2012 so says the Mayans, Aztecs, Quran conspiracy theorists... I'm torn between buying it hook, line and sinker and passing it off as another hoax.

Aside from long dead civilisations and beacons of religiousnessness, the magical fairies of science have predicted a huge cosmic happening, cosmic rays explode onto the planet changing the polar something or other that could change the world in the most horrifying way. Which pretty much means that there may be nothing left after this happens.

Ah, so many doomsday theories so little time... So to commemorate the End of Ze VORLD! *cough cough* Party... a huge one. On the 20th of December 2012 (Damnit, a Thursday night!). Full day paddeh tahms!!!

Starting with a ridiculously unhealthy breakfast of all that is unholy for your body, followed by liquid lunches and a barbecue(who doesn't love barbecues?) and finished off with lots and lots and lots of se-villised conversations with the ones you love... hahahaha... ha... ha... *silence* oh, shutup. Hopefully we'll all be too drunk to realise it when the shit doth hitteth fan.

To sum it all up, a day of debaucheries. Ha. Ha. Ha.

For the rest of you brimming with piousness and all that jazz, pray. Pray like your life depended on it (har har).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

My latest dorksession: Atlantis.

A few days into my holidays and have I done some of the things I told myself I would? Books haven't been read, two of them. But I've been veging out watching Disney cartoons because I'm still five years old... In my mind...

Back to my latest dorksession (the illegitimate child of the words 'dork' and 'obsession'), it's funny how all these years I've gone somewhat in depth for Greek and Nordic mythology, briefly went into Egyptian mythology but never even once, until now, thought much of Atlantis.

Plato came up with Atlantis. I say 'came up' because nobody believes that it was real especially back then because they all thought Plato was a crazy old fart. Now, though, there's a handful of people who insists that it is real so I'm sort of torn. With a civillisation as advanced as what it was said to be I think it would be safe to consider they would have gotten the Human Genome Project down to a T.

Segway: Why T? Why always down to a T? Why not Z? Z is usually the end... until you add in the AA. It's not finite. Now, back to the previously scheduled program...

If the Human Genome Project were completed, those in the medical and scientific community would have no boundaries, aside from morality, and would advance significantly. Then there's the fact that nobody seems to have found any proof that it existed and that if it did it was actually another place that wasn't swallowed by water but was sunk by a massive volcanic eruption, this is now the Azores Islands.

The kind of detail found on Atlantis may be the only reason many have not brushed it off as a hoax. It's too deep in to be made up. That said, Middle Earth is made up. There we go.

Segway: I want medical advancements for my own perusal damnit! SMA MUST BE CURED... also cancer and other stuff...

Segway of segways: If I were talking I would have segwayed so far from the original plot that I would have forgotten that I was talking about Atlantis.

Perhaps Plato was just writing a satire?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Someone dared ask me the big L-word question.

Verbose iteration of my thought process ensues because the L-word is, to me, a joke.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Day after TQF :D

Met new people,
Ash = WIN!
SoggyBanoffee strikes again!

Hi to Marv, Abby, Lyn, Shane, Feez and the rest of the people i can't remember names of because isuckatrememberingnames (SORREH!) so I shall name them according to what I experienced...
- Guy with the awesome voice Tashveer
- Guitarist for Kaki Blue Tony
- "Pervy" (according to Marv) Beard man Sani
- Satire Man and his Actress Woman Patrick and Elza
- Drawing Dude (Whom I never spoke to but his art is... OMG KICKASS) Muid
- Guitar lady of Awesome Helena
- Dude who really is just mashing keys on the piano Lesly
- The Token Iranian guy Amin
- Dude that recognised my face from somewhere and said Hi


No pictures, I left the camera in my bag and forgot it existed.

Had enlightening conversations,
Had less than enlightening, no less entertaining, conversations,
Crowded around the guitar first, in front of a few VERY VERY VERY talented musicians and commenced with the melalaking,
Crowded in front of a piano, holding a guitar, pretending to know what we're doing and screaming 'adlib lar!"

Random Things I love:
#5: Not knowing anyone other than the host at parties and making new acquaintences. Teh phearrrrr.... Soh LEEEBERAYTEEENG...

P/S: Ash, the names, help me out here! hahaha...

Friday, September 25, 2009

A week break that I'm supposed to be enjoying...

Unfortch, there's not many who are free now.

Blast. Guess that means I go back to writing.


Also, it makes no sense at all...

kwii ee!

So yeah, today was nonsensicalities galore.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

*nu post song*

I have finished my term!!!!
I be bumming for a week.
Layaning again Sister Hazel's All For You.
It is now worthy of my adoration :D

Since I'm jobless for a week now I shall begin to emo and make lists of random crap...

Things I have realised in the past few minutes:
- I miss my kakis.
- I emo when I'm jobless.
- When I emo I go cari pasangan.
- Or cari pasal...
- Trying to please everyone means you make just ONE person more than slightly miffed some time later. What's worse is that said person means very much to you. Emo bengong.

Things that we all know about me:
- I don't like drama-minggu-ini moments.
- I don't like drama-minggu-ini kind of people.
- I have come to terms with the reaper. If I die I prefer noisy celebrations instead of piteous weepings.
- I have no proper emotions aside from fear, loathing and respect. All other supposed 'emotions' are a mass of convoluted random crap.

My thoughts on death:
- Releases worldly burdens.
- If it was a bother when the dead one was alive, be thankful that dead one is no longer there to ruin the fun.
- If no effort was made during the time of living, of the dead one, there is no use pining about said dead one when dead one dies.
- Heaven and Hell are specific to different persons. If it were my hell, there would be crap music and stupid people surrounding me dispensing vapidity.
- I like the thought of ceasing to exist. It makes life worthwhile instead of living for something that is, supposedly, to be.

Shitty things that happened thus far:
- I lost a tonne of photos due to a bug on my memory card... That means photos of when I was at Em's for his open house. BABAGE!

I need to:
- Clean my room.
- Sort up stuff for next term.
- File everything in proper order for future references.
- Chill the fuuuuck ouuuuuuut.
- Find manjabuds.

- Jason (lecturer) commented on my retarding use of the English language. I has the Crap-glish now.
- Am I really such the self absorbed douchebag?
- Have I gone into a point in life where "friends" start moving apart and cliques begin to re-form? Where Venn Diagrams of "friends" start to break apart? Where I make more acquaintences out of future necessities "friends" instead of actual friends?

This is nigh depressing. I have books to read.

A caffeinated I is a flurry of thoughts, most of which make not much sense.
Also, my name begins with Number one and the first three letters of 'shall'. Tenacity, i must build more of.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3rd day of raya,
Am invited to go to Ems VERY VERY VERY last minute open house. I have to rush the assignment too. How exhausting.

Tomorrow is fine dining day. I have to put on my pompousity and be all flardeefiddledeedar.

Random things I love

#4: Dorking out watching Discovery Channel or Animal Planet on a lazy day.

Internet Hell:

Twiddles his WHAT exactly, Mr. Internet?

Monday, September 21, 2009

First day of Raya and I'm physically, mentally and ingestingly exhausted... ngaha!
So exhausted, in fact, that I cannot sleep.

Why do people add in 'in fact'?
It's as if to protect them from the eventual people who would point accusingly and scream "LIES!!! IT IS NOT FACT IF YOU WERE NOT SO WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING!!!"

Also, loverly are the rellies with the moolahs this year.
Yes I is teh loves teh smell of money in teh raya mornens.

Also wik,
Bumped into KelantaneseBoy at the masjid after raya prayers. He was helping a friend with satay. XD
Nice dude, bit too much of a mulut tempayan though when it comes to things one should not say, though.
*cocks eyebrow*
You bastards were thinking of the other stuff weren't you? Dirty twits.
Damn changi ar, you?

Now, then you dirty bastards, wish me luck on the arduous meanderings for day 2 of Raya and a day and a night of working really hard on Tuesday. :D
One week of rest, I cometh!!!!!!
Last weeks of melepak with Mek Ta also D:

Alot of people were donned in purple today, I know not why.

Btw, tomorrow is white day.
See you lovelies at my house
*huge honking ass grin that couldn't possibly fit on a screen*
I made cheesecake,
Shrav, Mich, Shar, Skirt, Adam, (dll), tis a tribute to you. hahaha... wish you was here for face stuffies.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blang blang blang blang blang blang...


Happy Eid to all you kids!
For those who are still able to get duit raya, hope you reap LOTS,
for those who don't get duit raya anymore, don't be so stingy.

P/S: I realise why people do open houses on the first and second day when everyone is too busy visiting rellies... 1) because they're the older rellies, 2) so that people don't serbu the house and eat all the food. I guess I have to start sending the raya texts... sighhh... (not a disdainful sigh, mind you).

Comensup = coherent constructive criticism alphabet soup.

Friday, September 18, 2009

One more assignment and I will chill out for a week. ngeeehehehe...

dah gilaaaaa...


Just my luck to miss the printers, catch it the next morning with a truckload of other douchebags, print a million things, rush to college and completely miss the presentation.
Just. My. Luck.

I will have to do it the day I pass up FH.

Gotta finish FH TODAY!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The longer I stay in a consumerist society the more i'm irked by it.

I have a full on rant in my head but I have too much work to do.
You, dear people who read my blog (seriously?), are saved from trying to make sense of passages worth of wtf *headdesk*s...


Kepada semua yang ku lavishkan adoration, Not-So-Open-House at the Rumah Di Tepi Tasik on the SECOND DAY of Raya after FOUR PEE-EM.

This means the Sri Inai goons, the MIGS goons, the Cempaka goons, the HELP goons, the Raffles goons, the RSGC goons and everyone in between :D
(Family obviously invited... You guys never even needed invites pun. har har har.)

and by goons I mean all the lovely beautiful people. hahaha...

We have food. But if you're late and there's no food left then tak bleh blah ar.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Conversations with names omitted and horrendous typos intact.
*she told me she always thought he was a very nice guy, i told her that he'd been acting nice around yo, when he was actually an utter dick otherwise

*well im gonna have to remind her of what douche he actually is

*yeah she was shocked about it

*and calling him a dick is discredicting dicks all aorund

*calling him a cunt is a credi to dicks but not to other cunts

*i cant come up with a horrible enough name for him
*everything sounds too nice


*ohhhhh no waiiiiiiit
*he's an umno politician!

*good one
When's Raya?

Wait, I know the answer for that... I think...

Here's to me.
For no apparent reason.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raya Poem?

I was going to do a poem for Raya
One that sounds abit less vulgar.
Was supposed to be like 'The Night Before Christmas'
But in all honesty, I couldn't give a a shitless.

So I erased the five stanzas I had written
Dismay and disheartened I was feelin'
'It's okay,' I shrugged as I write down the next line
It's all me, now. It's actually quite sublime.

None of these lines rhyme properly I thought
It's okay, It's poetic license I had recently bought
It's not like you people have ideas nor do you care
Because Raya's coming up, we must all prepare.

Ketupat weaving and rendang smells good,
we can't try the yummy since we're all fasting from food.
(Actually, at this point it is I who is not fasting,
It's women's problems so please stop asking).

But I'm respecting the rest who's stomachs do growl
And look on me as I act all a-fowl.
Stealing them cookies and cakes that were made,
Ignoring everyone elses restless tirade.

Bwahahaha... no, not really for I did no such thing,
I do the whole sneakery into my room for the eating.
But aside from me happy doing the munch,
Happily preparing are the bunch...

Baking cookies, baking cakes and the likes,
And likes does awefully rhyme with pikes.
Cleaning silverware, plates and dusting the house,
make sure nothing is there, not even a louse.

The days we count down and we wait diligently,
For first day of Raya we bounce gleefully.
I'm not having an open house this year
I'm sorry because it wasn't my idea

Other than the first one or two days we shall all be at home
so do pop by as you wish and make yourself known,
We'll serve the usual fixings and maybe some others
Rendang, Ketupat, Lemang, Spaghetti but not fish fingers.

So Maaf Zahir and Batin to all who matter,
Even the ones that don't get a card or a letter.
If I haven't been nice or once blew up in anger.
Apologies again, I will do much better.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Agent provocateur.

Add on:

Shrav mentioned Lily Cole having eyes of fuckedupness.

I couldn't focus on that...
Said I:
*but i like redheadsss
*so im not looking at the eyes
*just the hair
*and dear god the legs
*oh ad she did a playboy mag cover

Soooooooo, yeah. Redheads FTW.

Oh, and Tahmoh Penikett has now replaced Paul Blackthorne who replaced Julian McMahon who replaced David Boreanez for "teh omgz smexy". Ever noticed they carry the same aura and basic look?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today, instead of commencing with the thing called 'work', I delve into the world of boy accessories... again.

It's a known fact that I love guy stuff more than poofy pom-pom girly crap and I'm not apologising if I offend anyone. Also, If you're one of those people who go "Oh, that's cos she's totally a dyke," it's okay because I'm not a dyke, I play both fields, and you deserve to die. No offence, it's just that people like you are worse than cancer.

Now, then, where was I? Oh, yes... boy accessories. Cufflinks specifically.

usable (1gig) thumbdrives
retro cassettes
my personal favourites, compass and temperature gauge
bobba fett

Also wik,
Steampunk is a VERY pretty movement, from music down to fashion.

Also also wik,
I hate raya.
I found this on Rad-man's blorg. hahahah...

Very much amused, I am.

I'll have you know that I've stumped it twice in the 3 times I've played.

Taman Tasik Ampang Hilir and The Big Bad Wolf. Ambik kau, AI.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Happy birthday MOMOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

In rhetorics,
remind me again why people work in groups?
No, wait,
remind me again why some people insist on doing shoddy work instead of giving it their full potential?

need to buy wire of 2 sizes and commence with carpentry and metallurgy.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Panicky hair pulling will commence in t-5 days.

Unless I complete everything on time...
Fingers crossed, kids.


Monday, September 07, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

'Undivided' is the word of the day.

Kelantan dates being revised. Weekends sounds like a better bet for everyone.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

I have an almost perfect oral hygene and set of teeth :D

Dentists always tell you to keep your teeth in pristine condition. Brush regularly, gargle with mouthwash and not too eat too much sweets. Then, you go to them for your bi-annual checkup with nothing but some scaling and a polish they jokingly tell you that people like you would put them out of business.

I love my dentist... hahahaha...

Adding on:

A trip to Kelantan, leaving on the 27th of September.
I havent decided if I want to use the KTM, the Airplane or go for another roadtrip...
That said, the plane ticket is very cheap.

Lodging is free provided we all clean up afterwards.
There is a car available for anyone who wants to drive, I think it's a Proton Perdana.
Self service when it comes to food.
You must be nice to my grandma no matter how crazy she is, don't worry, we'll be staying in the guesthouse portion of her estate so you'll prolly just meet her twice. Also, there's a small pool.

Also wik,
Who's in town and doesn't have exams anyway?
Maybe I can drag momo... hmmmmmmmmm...

Friday, September 04, 2009

SeƱor Jose and I at sheysha.
Couch Surfers

I honestly feel that 2 days in KL is NOT enough.
Mamakin and all that FOOOOOOD...
Pasar malams and other random crap.

Next time ada lo. Pandai-pandai sket planning.

Due for finals...
Construction Studies 1 on the 14th of September
DS2: Retail on the 15th of September
Furniture History on the 16th of September
AutoCAD 3D on the 18th of September (I think...)

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I am a Malaysian. The sad thing is, I don't know if I do Malaysian-y things. There's alot of things I want to do though smply because i don't want to lose my culture.

I am a Kelantanese woman. I sort of know how to kecek klate but I feel that I should be better at it. They say that one should never mess with a Kelantanese woman. But I know nothing of my ancestral state.

I am a KL-ite. I am cosmopolitan to the core. My thought processes embrace globalisation even if the realities of being in a consumerist driven society irks me. But I am borderline Agoraphobic.

The harsh realities.

Pasar malams, anyone wanna join me for biweekly runs?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

New 'to-do' on the Bucket List:

Read and understand at least 3 Quranic translations by such people as Yusof Ali and have an arguement with a member of the clergy.

I do not have to win. I just want to see how much they know.
Buuuuuut... If I win it would be so much sweeter.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Bits of my childhood by means of junkfood :D

Campbells Mushroom Soup
Maggi Kari with Egg
Sardines in tomato sauce on bread.

ah, bliss.