Next month will be toiletries buying month.
As well as contact lens stuff buying month...
This time One eye will be a different colour. Ngaha.
Either green or blue-green.
Yay for contact lenses.
I feel like Cake's Hem of Your Garment.
Cik Amoral.
Another meme because I dont feel like colouring yet. hahaha...
Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head.
1. Junes
2. Danny
3. Amir
4. Emir
5. Zita
6. naf
7. Na Toods
8. Douchey
9. Neyns
10. Mo
11. Michelle
12. Skirt
13. Sara
14. Hyun Kyung
15. Shrav
16. Huzzy
17. Min Chiee
18. May Lee
19. Tesh
20. Shar
1. how did you meet 14?
- She and I were in the same classes back in high school
2. what would you do if you had never met no1?
I wouldn't have met 3 and I wouldn't have known that she knows 4
3. what would you do if 20 and 9 dated you?
HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH for 20. Cos 20 is dating the most awesome woman EVARR. And 9 doesn't roll that way no matter how awesome she is :D
4. would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
hahah nooooooooooo...
5. describe no. 3.
Pansy Bird will have his hard drive raped by me.
6. do you think no 8 is attractive?
Hey, douchey, you're like so sexy kan?
7. Tell me something about no 7.
She's studying in India and I miss her.
8. Do you know anything about no 12's family?
Nope. I know she has a brother though...
9. What is no 8's favourite?
Random shit.
10. What would you do if 11 confess that he/she likes you?
hahahaha... it won't happen cos she's dating like THE best guys evarr.
11. What language does 15 speak?
Indian and English
12. Who is 9 going out with?
Some dude...
13. How old is 16 now?
22 :D
14. When was the last time you talked to 13?
It's been quite a while actually... I should go bug her on facebook.
15. Who is no2's favourite singer?
Bob MARLEYYYYYYY... hahah... I'm not sure atchally.
16. Would you date no 4?
Like CHYEAAAA.... kan ems? kan kan?
17. Would you date 7?
No. she will make me tell her mah sekrets. cannot. She called me Gila.
18. Is 18 single?
Nope. currently attached and in bliss.
19. What's 10's last name?
Niza. hahahaha hohohohoh...
20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with 11?
Eh it would be kinda cool... but I think its wrong.
21. What school does 3 go to?
Some godforsaken place in Melacca.
22. Where does 6 live?
In my house.
23. What's your favourite thing about no 5?
She's so blur but she's oh so stylish. :D