Thursday, December 31, 2009

I have the Wacom Pen and Touch yay!!!!

That is all for today, Have a great new year. I'm either sleeping it through or going to watch fireworks play monopoly and have a midnight picnic.

Cheers everyone!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

To state the obvious, it's the 27th of December. But four days until the new year.
Sorely tempted, I am, to stay in and sleep it over. It's just 2010 anyway.

Been watching Stargate Atlantis. I've got another week before term starts... again... With LAN studies.
Dear, Orangdilangit, why must you make Malaysian officials so damn redundant.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Best Christmas wish this year is the email from Michelle Lee and her gorgeous class.
It's really easy to imagine her imparting generous chunks of knowledge to these tiny minds because she's always been so good with people in general.
Everyone loves Ms. Lee including me.

To think, a couple of years ago she governed the Law Faculty with the guile of an exceptional leader.

Friday, December 25, 2009

First of all, I wish all a Happy Christmas, though today I was made aware that BabyJeebas was born in Summer and that Isaac Newton was born on the 25th of December. Also, a reiteration of the fact that Christmas is actually an adaptation of the Winter Solstice Festival in the pagan religions of yore and not actually a Christian thing... So, that means that the day should be Isaac-Newton Day and is a day to commemorate Science and the apple bonking a grown man on his head and making him cry.

Mr. Newton: Ow! Sonnoffa-
Apple Tree: Serves you right, you lazy git.

On, then, to the task at hand.
My mother. How'd you guess?
You could tell? No? Yes? YES? That doesn't make sense...

Haaaaanyway, I've discovered a pattern in my cooking. I take whatever is available and make do with it. Often creating substitutes and succeeding BUT the mothercreature would have none of that. No, she doesn't approve of the substitution (seriously though, all I did was use tangerines and orange juice instead of oranges, biiiiiiig whoooooop...)

In lieu of substitution, apparently the mince pie filling is destroyed. Her text to my phone said so. I assure you that it's not since I had a taste of it and it tasted very nice. Also, I'm gonna ignore her this whole monsoon season if I can. It would be a nigh futile effort but I shall have tried. I swear that woman is going to be the death of me. How in Orangdilangit's name did she and my father think that marriage and children would be a good idea? How? HOW???

There is no pleasing that woman.
Kill me now. Kill. Me. Now.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Got a tamagotchi emulator... yes, I'm being lame. hahahahahahhaa...

Changed the skin so that I can use my own... haha... want one?
I know it's REALLY LAME (stop judging me...) but I have the sudden urge (yes, urge... I can hear you judging me... stop it) to play with that tamagochi/digimon thing back in 1999 (THERE IT IS! JUDGERY!). It's as big as the Sims 2 playing urge is... no, no it's not.

I remember I kept killing the poor sod and had to restart it over and over and over and over and over again. And to prove a point, I killed a cactus because I over-watered it-- THREE cacti. Therefore, Sharoose = pet fail, to quote from Demetri Martin, I'm less nurturing then a desert. Sedih.

Speaking of massive fail, (and Orangdilangit, I blame you) I had the epic muflisness playing Monopoly with Dan and Junes again. I had control of the Light Blue areas and had built hotels on it. NOBODY LANDED ON THE THINGS until I muflis'd... then they started landing like a few buckadjillion fofillion times.

*glares at Orangdilangit for 5 minutes or so*

Haaaanyway, on to Sk8!, days kept occupied by random shit, loafing around, baking, baking, baking and eating those delicious baked goodness. Oh yeah, and fraternising with humanity. Have I not already voiced out my preference to hermitage, and for the record and the millionth time, there is no such word, I made it up?

As an end-note,
Mein mutter ist off her whacker in more ways than one. I fear menopause... Hers.

Monday, December 21, 2009

They are done!

The Lamp

And the Chair

Onwards to Term 6.1

Saturday, December 19, 2009

About three days away from end of term and already I'm in holiday mood. I still want to go back to Kelantan to enjoy the R&R but, again, I don't have many travel-y friends.

I'm going to continue writing Sk8! during the holidays, obviously I'm running wayyyyyy behind because I have just too much to do during term but it's okay because sk8 is a labour of love... for writing not for skateboarding.

Should I drag May and Min on a roadtrip halfway across Malaysia to KB on a train? Should I?
Wish I had more money, dear Orangdilangit.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

About 33.333333% of the Lamp, done.
Next up, making the base and wiring it up.
(Yes, it's hanging on one of my speakers...)

Chair is also about 33.3333% done.
Next up is pelting it with bits of sisal and twisted paper
(a'la spiderwebs)
then off to the cushioner to make it comfy and sittable.
At the moment, sitting on it will give you a new ass-crack.

So, yeah, I finally put up 2 pictures.

You know how moms are supposed to CHEER their children on?
My mom JEERS me on. There is no better motivation that the feeling of inadequacy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tomorrow I will be playing with glue and bits of string and cloth. XD
Hopefully the girls will be around to help...

I need to buy pins for tomorrow and get everything done so that Uncle Lim can take the chair to be upholstered on Friday. He says he needs 2 days for it to be completed. In that time I shall complete the lamp and everything else. Invisible man in the sky, help me.

Ever since the blog went to private, there's only a load of listy crap on here. I think I'll just move the questionable posts to the other blog and open this up to the public again.

Things left to do:
- Buy pins and more PVC glue for the chair
- Finish all the written stuff TODAY.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Will finish making the dreamcatchers today because I have bought the feathers. Oh it's so AWESOME...

I bought a giant red one for myself. HEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEH...

Four more featherssssssss... pictures up tomorrow, kids!

Honestly though, I spent but 2 hours on it, had lunch and then mucked about with autocad. Ain't life grand?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Buying feathers and more beads tomorrow morning.

Momma tersalah letak nama on the cheque so she has to prepare another one so I can send it on Monday morning to Raymond and FYI, the rangka of the kerusi has arrived! hehehehehehe... testing fabric durability in about an hour. Give me strength and patience.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

So after much scowering over the internet and calling places, I finally found where to buy feathers. I'm going to go into a feather buying frenzy short of looking like a rabid kit with a mouth full of foul. Yes, me, a rabid kit with a mouth full of foul... that's a funny mental picture if you don't mind the violence involved.

Haaaanyway, still dreaming about cinnamon buns.

Things to do:
- colour all walls
- add in extra pretty things liike silly 'inspirational' posters and plants
- render plans, entrance elevation and 2 sections
- render several perspective views
- write up report for submission

- Do up MEP
- Print

- Print working drawings on A1 pieces
- Buy epoxy glue, runny and dries somewhat slowly, like in a day.
- Receive shell of furniture

PD2 *mengeluh*:
- marker render
- watercolour render (I don't know how to use watercolours... *mengeluh lebih*

- Buy feathers, washi paper and maybe more beads (even if I have too many)
- Buy small lightbulb, yellowish hue, and light wiring unit with 2.5 meter wire.
- Make lampshade out of washi paper and wire
- finish stringing up the dreamcatchers
- do all electricals and base attachements

... Sekian,

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Sunday, December 06, 2009

This post starts off with a food update. I had Dimsum for lunch...

... Enough of that.

Made a few chairs and tables for the 3D craptacular lecturer's offices for DS3: Office. Turns out that design studio is all about SELLING your idea to the client and not preparing your ideas for the contractor. Yay or Nay? I'm not quite sure yet.

Friday, December 04, 2009

I begin my lament on furniture design now.


Add ons:

Holy shit it's still the fourth? I thought yesterday was the fourth...

Anyway, skeleton of furniture will be done mid next week.
So, things that I'm doing or in the process of doing:
- dream catcher outer rings (which are so tedious... I need slaves)
- mock up for the chair with wire and pieces of small kain-y bits
- working drawings to be updated with joinery details and colour-y bits
- PD2, to be finished by weekend over, fingers crossed!
- Office 3D to get things done done and done :D
- CS2 MEP systems which would take about a day to complete.

there's more but I can't remember it now. These are the more important ones. Ye, invisible sky person, give me strength.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

No one reads my posts. But of course, who cares, right?

It's brainfarts of the cock-eyebrow kind and seriously, do you REALLY want to read it?

Then again, on the sudden realisation that nobody now reads this blog (wuuuu) I'm not just going to abandon it because abandoning this outlet will cause me to go insane. And that is the truth.

Everyone needs an outlet. Music, writing, televised dramas (some really crappy one) and so on... Shutting down any one will cause some part of ones psyche to just go nuts! So, yeah. The show doth goeth on. So whoever you are who reads this blog, props to you for suffering through it thus far.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Two days, one L'occitane perfume, 6 pairs of bras, 8 books and some random assignment bits since two days ago -- har har -- ... There is no conclusion to that line. Well, none that I can think of anyway.

Things to do for the weekend:
- Sleep and wake up at noon
- Watch The Inglorious Basterds, I love Tarantino =D
- CS2, ready to be printed
- Office, as much as possible... Would love to be done by the weekend over but is nigh impossible.
- PD2, transfer everything to autocad and get it printed out on A3 sheets... About 4 pieces...

Goddamn Poncyprincypoo.

Watching Battlestar Galactica because I'm a dork. XD

I found the name of one of some of the most overused songs in movies, like, EVER.

"Sous le dôme épais"
When pretty things start to bloom and grow and shit like that...

"Ride of the Valkyries from Die Walküre"

"O Fortuna from Carmina Burana"

"Hungarian Rhapsody"
The one from Tom and Jerry where Jerry bashes the crap out of a very talented Tom

"Also Spake Zarathustra"
daaaaaaa... daaaaaaaaaa... DA DAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! dun dun dun dun dun dun dun...

Aaaaaaaaaand finally, who could forget Palcelbel's Canon In D.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

End of humanity?

I'm watching Earth 2100. A story-telling on earth's dystopian future. It looks horrendous -- but dystopia FTW! -- The biggest thing that seems to keep popping up is how we are too dependant on fossil fuel which would cause a speedier global warming. Then it says the sea level will rise exponentially.

They say all these things and in my mind, with all these information given to me on a silver platter, so to speak, an abundance of ideas quickly flooded into my mind. We have, in this century, ludicrous resources and insane technological advancements. Surely someone could've taken all that science fiction being spewed into the media and made it real?

Let's take for example our beloved mobile phones. The idea was actually taken by a person who was a keen Trekkie. He saw the hand-held communication device and thought it was a cool idea. As years passed, our darling phones have morphed from a brick-like weight and size to one that is as lithe as a credit card and doubles or triples up as too many other things. Not only do we use our phones to keep in touch, we now use it as a navigation system, media unit, storage device, camera and so on.

With such a burst of innovation, I ask you now, what of underwater cities? What of massive energy creating structures? What of things that help and not detriment whatever left of nature we have that isn't trying to kill us?

Maybe I'm being a little bit too optimistic about the state of our world. Maybe I think that the world leaders would stop their arms race and gather their forces on the most dire of threats. Surely mass extinction of our species would make even the hardiest of souls weak in the knees. As surreal as it sounds, we are all doomed if we don't find a way to get out of this. We have thus dug our own graves.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Of models and shop drawings. No, not really. I just thought it would make a pretty interesting starting phrase.

More money to be spent for this term. So much money. Oh, and I'll be making a dreamcatcher lamp.
Here's to hoping it comes out as pretty as it is in my head.

That is all.

Things to do:
- CS2 Do up 4 pieces of cabinetry, plan + 2 elevations + 3d view

- SP3 shop drawings
- SP3 rough scaled model

- EL light research
- EL buying shit
- EL making light out of bought shit

- DS3 Reflected Ceiling Plan
- DS3 2 Sections
- DS3 Elevation of Main Door
- DS3 Details and Material Specifications

- PD2 Draw up plans onto Autocad
- PD2 Draw up 2 Sections from plans drawn up
- PD2 Render one set of (Plans+2Sections) in Marker and another in Watercolour

I just made a dream  catcher from scratch :O

Monday, November 23, 2009

Toot sweet, toot sweet,
The candy you whistle, the whistle you eat!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I don't remember Blackrope actually BEING Blackrope in the first place. I remember changing the name halfway through, I think, or it could have been a composite memory.

Anyway, I think I might leave it at Knights Are Sissies because I think I'm done playing the masochist game of life and be like a leaf on a turbulent river, in constant motion downhill towards the river mouth. The final destination being the vast ocean of tremendous hues. The beginning of a, hopefully, delightful end. No more Sha the Salmon fighting the waterfall to breed. Only Sha the uber-zen leaf of Zenness going with the flow.

And because I can, Here's a excerpt from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. 
Sir Lancelot: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your name? 
Sir Lancelot: My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest? 
Sir Lancelot: To seek the Holy Grail. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your favourite colour? 
Sir Lancelot: Blue. 
Bridgekeeper: Go on. Off you go. 
Sir Lancelot: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much. 
Sir Robin: That's easy. 
Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. 
Sir Robin: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I'm not afraid. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your name? 
Sir Robin: Sir Robin of Camelot. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest? 
Sir Robin: To seek the Holy Grail. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is the capital of Assyria? 
Sir Robin: I don't know that. 
[he is thrown over the edge into the volcano
Sir Robin: Auuuuuuuugh. 
Bridgekeeper: Stop. What... is your name? 
Galahad: Sir Galahad of Camelot. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest? 
Galahad: I seek the Grail. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your favourite colour? 
Galahad: Blue. No, yel... 
[he is also thrown over the edge
Galahad: auuuuuuuugh. 
Bridgekeeper: Hee hee heh. Stop. What... is your name? 
King Arthur: It is 'Arthur', King of the Britons. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest? 
King Arthur: To seek the Holy Grail. 
Bridgekeeper: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? 
King Arthur: What do you mean? An African or European swallow? 
Bridgekeeper: Huh? I... I don't know that. 
[he is thrown over
Bridgekeeper: Auuuuuuuugh. 
Sir Bedevere: How do know so much about swallows? 
King Arthur: Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know. 

There we have it. A locked blog where only those requested shall enter -- until I get sick of it -- and a name changed to something so silly.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I have bought AVP 2 and will only start playing with it later later.
Yay, for blood and gore and mindless killing!

The other thing I'm playing is Prototype.

Webcomic fixation: The Zombie Hunters


What USED to be Tali Hitam the Blog has now been changed to Knights are Sissies sebab ada hal...
... tapi takpe because I will change it back to Tali Hitam in due time.

Friday, November 20, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

The weather today, which is actually the monsoon season on theEquator, feels like Malaysia is sitting on the Tropic of Cancer.

I am the cuddle-bunny who wont get out of the comforts of her comforter AND I'm working a million times slower, if not at all.

Oh, Matahari,
Menjelmalahmu ke atas hamba dunia,
Dunia yang diselubungi kesejukan yang pahit,
Tampa wajahmu yang bersinar, ku merana.

Okay, okay. I admit to sucking in Malay poetry.
I also admit to not knowing whether some of the words in the prose above actually exists or are grammatically correct.
A poet, with license, I tried.

... HAIKU!

The sun disappears,
Cold and cloudy days emerge,
I'm left shivering.

It all pretty much ends with me feeling like crap.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh man... this Salina person just Rickrolled me... only it wasnt Rick, it was some spammy jutawan website crap.

Updates on worky-type going-ons:
- I'm making a chair that you can sit on and it wont fall apart on contact with your giant badunka-dunk. (SP3 Furniture)
- I'm also making a lamp unit that wont short circuit and cause your hair to frazzle up a'la Einstein sans IQ. (Environmental Lighting)
- Design Studio 3: Office, I get to redesign a whole office unit, yaaaaaay... *takes a Smith and Wesson from her table*
- Construction Studies 2, I'm doing ANOTHER retail unit. I hate retail. Why do people shop anyway? *shoots self in the head*
- And a bunch of presentation drawing crap. *double tap*

So, I bid you and you and you, adieu with blood all over the floor...

... But it's never that easy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"You and my boyfriend are so SIMILAR! You two would totally get along,"

Twice have I heard this said to me, I'm pretty sure it was meant as a compliment or something but...
Am I really that much of a dude?

... But I don't have naaaaads...

By the way, best License Agreement I've read through so far:

This program is freeware, you can copy it as much as you like.

If this program accidentaly screws up and destroys data on your PC, electrocutes you,makes your monitor explode in your face, set's your house on fire, kills you, changes all the text you say in online games to oink, causes everyone on the planet(and beyond) to try to kill you, hacks into a nearby nuclear misile and targets your house, changes your bank balance to $0, gets you banned from online games, adds your name to a hitman's list, sucks you into the computer and plays pong with you(with you as ball), causes secret agencies to come after you, makes you believe you got maggots crawling under your skin, turns your room into a gate to hell, becomes sentient and starts killing everyone on this planet, gets you sent to jail with a guy named big bubba or does anything else you don't want it to do, don't blame the author of this program!!

Do you agree to this?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

sports pictures, golfer
see more Sports Pictures

aaaaahahahahaha... hhahahahahaha... hahahahahahahaha...
omg hahahahahaha...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mothercreature's Birthday today and we're going to Tatto for dinner...
I'm dying for a good piece of meat nomming.

So many things to do... so little time.

By the way, has anyone noticed how Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg look almost identical?
And get this: Socially defunct guys have indie-cred.

And between you and you and you and you and me, Zombieland is TOTALLY KICKASS!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yesterday, I admitted to having bawled my eyes out over random acts of kindness I had read on GivesMeHope.

Which means, inside this cold hard exterior are soft squishy bits. BUT YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT!!!! bwaaaaahahahahaha!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How do you know you have Bahasa Melayu fail?
... 'Fail Roster' found in the rehab clinic of University Hospital is not FAIL. It's FILE.

So I am physically fatigued. Right now I hate my body because it refuses to comply with my daily activities. BAH TO YOU BODY! BAHHH!!

On a completely random note:

I read one and went "Ehuhm," *bawl eyes out for 2 minutes*
really touching shit like this GMH.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Life gives you lemons because you strafe off doing PD2 until 1:10 AM on the day of double-barrel classes...

Oh, dear Poncyprincypoo, I loathe thee and thine anal retentivity.

I am betting that the rest of my class have not completed their drawings either and that makes him the most awful lecturer EVER.

Poop and gonads, man... Poop and gonads.


Prince Pros - He's too kind when it comes to seriously late submissions hahahahaha...
... and this means he ain't such a douchebag after all. He may be Prince but he is the King of Analretentiveland.

Turns out that 'VG' means 'very good' and it's for the grading scheme. It is not in any way affiliated with the fire safety code and stuff.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

9 to 6 classes all week next week. I think I'm in pain...

Friday, November 06, 2009

Item 1:
Red bag or blue bag...

... Red. :D

Item 2:
Have decided to write down the list of friends I trust with my life. The rest can blip in and out for all I care. This list will be kept near me at all times and it will hold a line or two of these persons best features.

You may not know who would be on this list because I cannot tell you.

Item 3:
Leeturt composed again and it's ABOUT TIME~!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

The air-conditioning in my class was made to give people frostbite so if I come home with less a finger or two, you'll know who to blame.


It's never constant, one day it's cold and the next day it's burning hot. Welcome to Malaysia, kids. The temperature inside buildings may rival the harshest of the most harsh Arctic environments when the outside stays relatively the same except you get the clouds getting personality disorders. Rain, no rain, rain, no rain, rain, no r- raaaaaain...

So there we go. Gotta love this country.

I also want to have a nap. I guess I'll be swimming tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

New on the album wishlist:

26, Maduro and Distance and Comfort by Ben Kenney.

That's 3 albums :D

He. Is. GOOD!

Monday, November 02, 2009

A few days ago, some genius decided to chuck his white chicken in my area. This white chicken thought it was cool to hang out in my garden or the garden of the house next to mine which is under construction.

We chased it out of our compounds several times as it is yet it comes right back. I shall now proceed to call it Boomerang Kari Ayam or BKA for short.
So BKA is a small, well fed looking, fluffy white chicken. Everytime I see it, like a retarded child, I scream 'CHICKEN!!!!!' mainly because I'm a budak bandar and live chickens are completely alien to me. As are cows and goats. This behaviour is especially apparent when I have to go back to Kelantan for the holidays.

Anyway, my cat is oblivious to BKA because everytime BKA makes an appearance the cat is asleep at the backyard. Yes, my family and I like out greeneries, we're not fond of tiled concrete as a hard moat around the house. I'd rather have a real moat with crocodiles. Whoops, I segwayed a bit there, now where was I? Oh, yes, BKA.

Now, my point to this all is that I didn't even bat an eyelash when I thought of slaughtering it for actual Kari Ayam...

... Mommy, does that make me an axe murderer?

Sunday, November 01, 2009

How do you know that you're old?

  • You can't be bothered to go clubbing (not that I ever bothered anyway... haha)
  • You prefer to sit at home enjoying your alone time (Or that's just me reveling in my hermitness)
  • You cant be bothered to spend money on going to concerts of bands that don't make you bat an eyelash (meh)
  • Money is VERY important to you, so much more important than fun (really, really... not really)
  • Your work comes first (second actually)

So there it is. I'm 22 and I'm acting a lot older.
Clubbing is overrated.

P/S Droog Designs are picking up Interns too... D'you think they'd pick me for Internship in less than a year? I wonder if Internships are s'posed to be in Malaysia only... I would LOVE to work at Droog.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remember in this post I said I wasn't going to go out until I finished up all my work?
Well, I lied.

Go figure.

Btw, some items crossed out. It's not much but it's a start...

Friday, October 30, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Today my cousin quoted something most ridiculous.

She said that the guy conducting the Nikah* said as a wife you must always smile at your husband. When he walks in the room, you must smile. When he somethingsomethingsomething you must smile. If you don't smile, you go to hell. Then she said part of the Nikah procedure states that a man is allowed to beat his wife.

I have nothing but the utmost disdain for this. Nowhere in the Quran does it say these things. Safe to say that what the general populace is practicing is NOT Islam but some sick lovechild of the religions of pre Islamic Middle East.

* Nikah is part of a traditional Malay wedding and is followed with the Persandingan which is basically there to show off the bride and groom to the whole kampung as a declaration of 'hey, these two may now bump uglies without you tsk-ing them'.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Due checklist:
(week 5)
Tuesday - SP3 and Environmental Lighting
Thursday - Construction Studies 2 printouts

(week 6)
Monday - Meeting Room, fully rendered in Markers
Wednesday - Rough design for DS3

Oleh sebab itu, should not go out until I'm done, y'hear?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Personal Slave... uhhh... Assistant.

TBA on individual basis + must drive and own car + be able to do the 12 labours of Hercules.

Sigh... C'est impossible!

My quote of the day, also a brainfart:
It's easy to get into a part when the character mirrors your personality. It's when you have to play a part you think you absolutely cannot pull off and then do it with the utmost finesse. Now that's magic.

This made me laugh SO HARD I headdesked.

Monday, October 26, 2009

So I didn't do the cake yesterday because I was busy strafing work. Yes... I will do it sometime this week no doubt, for fear the wrath of the Mothercreature... dun dun DUNNNN...

What did I do?
I updated by Flickr portfolio and finished up the "Spartan Garden Lounge" that you see in the pictures above and signed up to LinkedIn and Coroflot which I will update when I feel like it.

- Metal
- Squishy shiny foam thing

Other than that, I didn't finish my colouring as expected but I did decide on the colour scheme... I should also decide the colour scheme to go for the Conference Room I will be drawing around 2pm-ish, It's gonna be a very high tech Conference/Meeting room. Hampehh... Malas la nak ber-PD2. -- I have decided to bum PD2 today. Doing my work at home is much more fun.

Check it, Marcel Wander's company is hiring INTERNS for Interior Design! Sadly, it's in Amsterdam. I would love to go but degree blom habis. I've still got two years but in the mean time, here's my online Flickr Portfolio!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have to bake a plain butter cake so that I can use the leftover purple icing... :|
... tapi malas. But I guess I have to so I'll do it petangish.

I have to photocopy a pencil drawing so I can colour it in with colour pencils. I do so hate presentation drawing... D:
... tapi malas. So I'll do it tomorrow morning.

I cleaned out my cupboard and am getting rid of clothes I don't wear anymore and I realised just how much of a T-shirt and cargos person I am. Say 'taknak' to dress-up clothes until you have an occasion to dress up for.

I have to buy and send out a box each of Lipton and Boh tea to a friend in Morocco... I have no idea how much postage will cost nor the time it takes to actually GET to Morocco.

And finally,
I need to compile all my recipes and chuck them into a file which means I have to go to Tesco and do a little bit of stationary shopping. One day I'll turn it into a cute little book for myself because I know a printer who does perfect binding. Each recipe will come with a picture which means I need to take pictures and dress the food pieces up before I can take a picture... A'la professional sikit la kan?

Here's to a long week ahead.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

w/ full lights

I think this looks pretty good, don't you?
I just need to add on extra bits like random foods and appliences to make it look awesome.

It's an apartment kitchen:
Colour scheme - White and Beige
Materials - Metal, Glass, Acrylic Laminate, Swanstone (High Gloss White), Niro Granite Tile (Yura Foggy)
Stainless steel appliances
Kitchen entrance on the left and door to the Utilities, Laundry and Maid's on the right.

Problem: The actual colours of each material is more striking but autocad made it look really subdued and flat. How to fix??

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nothing to yowl about this time but as far as updates go,

  • I made brownies and have dubbed them Sha's super TOP SECRET magical chocolate brownies. No it's not 'space' magical. It's less stellar and more unicorns and rainbows.
  • I have a tonne of things due first week of next month and I'm shocked that October is just flying by.
  • I guess I wont be a Droog this year. I've no time to go and buy the necessary items for the costume. Bah. I guess I could just go as a nonconformist.
  • Bobby Chin irritates me, I've no idea why.
That is all. Brownies are for sale and made to order but price is TBA.


Oh and P/S I'm watching Double Trouble by Logi and Monti on the 7th of November at Actor's Studio Bangsar Lot 10. YAY YAY!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Hello, my name is Sha L'strange. I opted for David Bowie eyes, I walk funny, I think out of the box, I couldn't care less about how I look, comfort before beauty is my life and I want Toe shoes because I hate wearing shoes and it's the closest I can get to walking barefoot everywhere without getting pieces of 'concrete-jungle' shrapnel in my delicate footsies...

I'm a closet-nudist bohemian hippy stuck in a bourgeois dominant country where stupid people seem to breed.

I also still want to be the Supremo of the Universe, one can dream.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Zulkifli Noordin is a MORONNNNNNNN...

So are all the other hypocrites in the Malaysian Political scene.

THIS is one of the reasons why.

Please, do Google his face so that you're prepared to sneer condescendingly when you see him in public. Also, feel free to remark loudly on his stupidity. He can't do anything, he's daft.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

On college assignments,

I've been tasked to do a research report on a designer of my choosing for Studio Practice 3: Furniture. After much browsing around via Wikipedia first and then the net, I narrowed the list down to Marcel Wanders. I would've loved to do one on Phillipe Starck but so would everyone else. Other than Wanders, Maarten Baas and Eero Aarnio was also under consideration.

The thing about browsing for information on a designer that catches your eye is that as you progress with the information, your like for that designer increases exponentially, though since he's a Dutch, he's not as beautifully witty as the Britons. I wish he were though because his interviews are dry.

He's was quoted as the next Phillipe Starck BY Mr. Starck himself and has collaborated with several famous brands around the world, designing everything from wallpaper to appliances. A truly talented multidisciplinary designer.

I think multidisciplinary is the life of anyone controlled by their right brain, though. Myself, for example, I write, bake, draw, design and everything else in between. I may not do everything very well (I suck at drawing) but with more practice, it should get better. Should.

Also, Marcel Wanders is very good looking for a 40-plus year old man.

Friday, October 16, 2009

5.1 Assignments + Freelance Jobs + Dessert Catering = Busy

Busy = Happy = Good Kind of Stress

Good Kind of Stress = Lack of Emotionally Things

Lack of Emotionally things = Great Balls of Joy.

Also wik,
TGI Friday's sucks ballsacks, went there the second time after a really long time for an assignment and it still sucks balls.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Until I get sick of it, this is my morning jive tune. hahaha

You're such a silly woman, put the lime in the coconut and drink em all up...
wooooooo-oooooo... hahahahahhaha

I will be VERY VERY VERY VERY depressed if this cock-up of a 'disability' stops me from diving... SO depressed I might just stay holed up in my room forever and not want to see the light of day.

And another thing, most doctors don't know jack shit about anything.

Monday, October 12, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

It's the attack of lethargy caused by genetics.

Women's predisposition to bleeding out of their nether regions
S(tupid)pinal M(ajor)uscular A(ss-pain)trophy Type 3.

Oh, my, you thought I was lazy and moody because I like to be lazy and moody?
Fokken banana.

I'm going to buy a treadmill. Anyone has a second hand one that I can scrutinise before purchase?

Things that need to be gotten on to:
- Walkies
- Swimming
- Exercisy activities
- Indulging in magical brainfood.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Inspirational photos from Internet Hell:

On that note, we should stop using words that generally points to homosexuality as a term for something negative.

I should be doing my assignment.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Attack of the pod people nap-lounges...

I want one...

Friday, October 09, 2009

Post of the new.

I'm going to have a shower...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I think, now, that it's a good thing I spent a week to myself. It's sort of a breather from the harsh realities of life.

It allows me to hermitify (yes, I'm aware that there's no such word... Well, it's a word now!) myself which I'm usually rather fond of being borderline agoraphobic and all.

Ah, the things you learn about me throughout the course of reading through my life since college. har har.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

At 11:37PM, today...

"Whoops! Is that a sliver of humanity? KILL IT!"
And then it died as fast as it came.

Don't I just haaaaate feel good chick-flicks sometimes...
I bet Mrs. Thatcher is pulling a face right now.

Monday, October 05, 2009

My latest qualm:
Why do people add people they don't know on facebook? Then when you send them a message asking them if you've met they don't reply. Surely when there's random adding there's the obvious hello-do-I-know-yous.

And then there's the persons you add that you do know and they accept your request. You strike up a conversation with them and they pretend to not know you? If there's one thing I do is to ignore the friend requests of people you don't know, everyone should do too.

I think it's time I purge some few on facebook again. Life's taken a turn and the naysayers must be discarded and forgotten.

damn no brainers.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

My thoughts, your vitamin-enriched and nutritious and wholesome fodder... Well, sometimes. Most often though, I go off about the Umbilical Brothers or something as random. It's been quite a while since I jotted my words on a piece of paper first but I stand here, quite literally - I cannot be bothered to sit down so I'm writing this on a cupboard, to muse on.

Today, I go off, rather disdainfully and for the umpteenth time, about the lovely fashion industry, dear people on the intertoobz. More specifically, Models. Androgynous, mind you I don't have any issues with androgyny I'm just stating a point, shapeless, devoid of any apparent interest outside of 'A piece of lettuce ends world hunger' and 'I'm a size 00, worship me' and a complete misrepresentation of most of the women living on our beautiful, gorgeous even, planet earth.

Generally speaking, there are two main and most distinct cause for the lack of figure and the androgynous looks that these women have. One of these theories are constructed by myself and the other by I can't remember who... I think it was Zuri who heard it from her dad or something.

My theory is brought on by a few simple questions. Who are the most affluent and influential designers out there? If you answered any one of these (Alexander McQueen, Christian Lacroix, Chanel, Dior, D&G, Armani, etc.,) you're correct. Do these wonderful people have penises? Yes, except maybe the exceptions as noted in every walks of life, in every golden rule there are exceptions, but I digress. What are the chances of these men being gay? I shall answer that question like a person who doesn't speak English. Yes.

What do gay men love? Other gay men, of course! As well as a few straight men for the eye candy factor. What are men if not the complete physical opposite of their fairer counterparts? Men, devoid of strange fat lumps, save those infected by McDonalds, i.e. no tits and ass.

So, as far as models are concerned, they are men sans penis. some very pretty men except lingerie models. Oh, wait, I hear someone choke "Then why the hell don't they just use only men on the catwalk?" If it were you who muttered these silly words, ponder such questions as:
1. Pre 2000, who were the target market for shopping?
2. Pre 2000, would you hear a man shout in horror "Oh my God, someone is wearing the same penguin suit as I am!"?
3. Currently, is the layout for stores around the world still female oriented?

There's probably more to it than my surface argument if you'd care for a coffee but onto the other theory brought on by ThepersonIcantrememberthenameofsorry.

Designers are always poor when they first start off so by virtue of circumstance and necessity they had to make do with whatever cloth they were donated with by all these delightful fabric suppliers, which wasn't much to tell you the truth. The less cloth needed to dress a person is a good thing so in light of this, they hired really skinny, nutrition devoid creature, bless them, to parade shamelessly in the designed garb.

Why do Avant garde pieces look like things put together that have been collected at random from the garbage? Anyone?

Well, that'll be all I have to divulge on this medium for now and trust me, it wont be the end of it.

Saturday, October 03, 2009


Classes begin on Monday,
Then it stops...
Then it starts again on Wednesday because life is retarded...


Yeas. I prepare myself for 5th term torture.

My name is Aishah Roose. 5th term is gonna kick. Life, prepare to be ball-bashed.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Tis now time for boringbojangle-fangle-bobangles class updates!

5.1 October 2009


The one that got away because of my lackadaisicality:
Presentation Drawing 2!

And the Lord totally freaked out after someone turned off the light while he was on the porcelain throne:
Environmental Lighting!

Everyone wants a piece of these:
Study Practice 3: Furniture Design!

The world would cease to function without corporate herecy:
Design Studio 3: Office!

Finally, because the world is never too dull:
Construction Studies 2!!!!!!

*applause applause*

The timetable is made such that I'm free from Thursday Lunch through to Monday 1400hours. Anytime not stipulated above is for naught, during the day time... bruahahahaha....

So, there. Nothing interesting on the agenda today except for chocolate cake and bibik chasing the cat with a steak knife.


Kepada kanak-kanak yang kaya raya buang duit, ingat, tu duit bapak kau. Bukan duit kau.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So this is me being a FATAList and not a FAT(e)alist...
We're all going to die.


If we're all going to die, why do people still go out of their way to create drama.
Drama, drama, drama.
Everything in alot of people's lives involve alot of DRAMA!
You come up with it, you gossip about it, you strive to live it...
AND, as if that wasn't enough, you people gather around the idiot box and watch it ceremoniously!

"Oh, my God, I have to get home (insert name of show here) is on! I never miss it! I'll die if I don't watch it!!!" says one person.

"I know! I can't live without (insert name of show here)!!! Life means nothing without it!" proclaims another.

*commence with all the show updates and 'remember-that-episode's*

I would like to think I don't follow... I don't like watching drama... I watch Monty Python skits. There's a difference.

Now that that's off my chest I shall now move on back to "We're all going to die."

We're all, and nobody is exempt from it, going to die, as in poof-your-body-is-now-an-empty-shell.

Lately, I've been getting a lot of posts about the end of the word, commencing 21st December 2012 so says the Mayans, Aztecs, Quran conspiracy theorists... I'm torn between buying it hook, line and sinker and passing it off as another hoax.

Aside from long dead civilisations and beacons of religiousnessness, the magical fairies of science have predicted a huge cosmic happening, cosmic rays explode onto the planet changing the polar something or other that could change the world in the most horrifying way. Which pretty much means that there may be nothing left after this happens.

Ah, so many doomsday theories so little time... So to commemorate the End of Ze VORLD! *cough cough* Party... a huge one. On the 20th of December 2012 (Damnit, a Thursday night!). Full day paddeh tahms!!!

Starting with a ridiculously unhealthy breakfast of all that is unholy for your body, followed by liquid lunches and a barbecue(who doesn't love barbecues?) and finished off with lots and lots and lots of se-villised conversations with the ones you love... hahahaha... ha... ha... *silence* oh, shutup. Hopefully we'll all be too drunk to realise it when the shit doth hitteth fan.

To sum it all up, a day of debaucheries. Ha. Ha. Ha.

For the rest of you brimming with piousness and all that jazz, pray. Pray like your life depended on it (har har).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

My latest dorksession: Atlantis.

A few days into my holidays and have I done some of the things I told myself I would? Books haven't been read, two of them. But I've been veging out watching Disney cartoons because I'm still five years old... In my mind...

Back to my latest dorksession (the illegitimate child of the words 'dork' and 'obsession'), it's funny how all these years I've gone somewhat in depth for Greek and Nordic mythology, briefly went into Egyptian mythology but never even once, until now, thought much of Atlantis.

Plato came up with Atlantis. I say 'came up' because nobody believes that it was real especially back then because they all thought Plato was a crazy old fart. Now, though, there's a handful of people who insists that it is real so I'm sort of torn. With a civillisation as advanced as what it was said to be I think it would be safe to consider they would have gotten the Human Genome Project down to a T.

Segway: Why T? Why always down to a T? Why not Z? Z is usually the end... until you add in the AA. It's not finite. Now, back to the previously scheduled program...

If the Human Genome Project were completed, those in the medical and scientific community would have no boundaries, aside from morality, and would advance significantly. Then there's the fact that nobody seems to have found any proof that it existed and that if it did it was actually another place that wasn't swallowed by water but was sunk by a massive volcanic eruption, this is now the Azores Islands.

The kind of detail found on Atlantis may be the only reason many have not brushed it off as a hoax. It's too deep in to be made up. That said, Middle Earth is made up. There we go.

Segway: I want medical advancements for my own perusal damnit! SMA MUST BE CURED... also cancer and other stuff...

Segway of segways: If I were talking I would have segwayed so far from the original plot that I would have forgotten that I was talking about Atlantis.

Perhaps Plato was just writing a satire?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Someone dared ask me the big L-word question.

Verbose iteration of my thought process ensues because the L-word is, to me, a joke.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Day after TQF :D

Met new people,
Ash = WIN!
SoggyBanoffee strikes again!

Hi to Marv, Abby, Lyn, Shane, Feez and the rest of the people i can't remember names of because isuckatrememberingnames (SORREH!) so I shall name them according to what I experienced...
- Guy with the awesome voice Tashveer
- Guitarist for Kaki Blue Tony
- "Pervy" (according to Marv) Beard man Sani
- Satire Man and his Actress Woman Patrick and Elza
- Drawing Dude (Whom I never spoke to but his art is... OMG KICKASS) Muid
- Guitar lady of Awesome Helena
- Dude who really is just mashing keys on the piano Lesly
- The Token Iranian guy Amin
- Dude that recognised my face from somewhere and said Hi


No pictures, I left the camera in my bag and forgot it existed.

Had enlightening conversations,
Had less than enlightening, no less entertaining, conversations,
Crowded around the guitar first, in front of a few VERY VERY VERY talented musicians and commenced with the melalaking,
Crowded in front of a piano, holding a guitar, pretending to know what we're doing and screaming 'adlib lar!"

Random Things I love:
#5: Not knowing anyone other than the host at parties and making new acquaintences. Teh phearrrrr.... Soh LEEEBERAYTEEENG...

P/S: Ash, the names, help me out here! hahaha...

Friday, September 25, 2009

A week break that I'm supposed to be enjoying...

Unfortch, there's not many who are free now.

Blast. Guess that means I go back to writing.


Also, it makes no sense at all...

kwii ee!

So yeah, today was nonsensicalities galore.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

*nu post song*

I have finished my term!!!!
I be bumming for a week.
Layaning again Sister Hazel's All For You.
It is now worthy of my adoration :D

Since I'm jobless for a week now I shall begin to emo and make lists of random crap...

Things I have realised in the past few minutes:
- I miss my kakis.
- I emo when I'm jobless.
- When I emo I go cari pasangan.
- Or cari pasal...
- Trying to please everyone means you make just ONE person more than slightly miffed some time later. What's worse is that said person means very much to you. Emo bengong.

Things that we all know about me:
- I don't like drama-minggu-ini moments.
- I don't like drama-minggu-ini kind of people.
- I have come to terms with the reaper. If I die I prefer noisy celebrations instead of piteous weepings.
- I have no proper emotions aside from fear, loathing and respect. All other supposed 'emotions' are a mass of convoluted random crap.

My thoughts on death:
- Releases worldly burdens.
- If it was a bother when the dead one was alive, be thankful that dead one is no longer there to ruin the fun.
- If no effort was made during the time of living, of the dead one, there is no use pining about said dead one when dead one dies.
- Heaven and Hell are specific to different persons. If it were my hell, there would be crap music and stupid people surrounding me dispensing vapidity.
- I like the thought of ceasing to exist. It makes life worthwhile instead of living for something that is, supposedly, to be.

Shitty things that happened thus far:
- I lost a tonne of photos due to a bug on my memory card... That means photos of when I was at Em's for his open house. BABAGE!

I need to:
- Clean my room.
- Sort up stuff for next term.
- File everything in proper order for future references.
- Chill the fuuuuck ouuuuuuut.
- Find manjabuds.

- Jason (lecturer) commented on my retarding use of the English language. I has the Crap-glish now.
- Am I really such the self absorbed douchebag?
- Have I gone into a point in life where "friends" start moving apart and cliques begin to re-form? Where Venn Diagrams of "friends" start to break apart? Where I make more acquaintences out of future necessities "friends" instead of actual friends?

This is nigh depressing. I have books to read.

A caffeinated I is a flurry of thoughts, most of which make not much sense.
Also, my name begins with Number one and the first three letters of 'shall'. Tenacity, i must build more of.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3rd day of raya,
Am invited to go to Ems VERY VERY VERY last minute open house. I have to rush the assignment too. How exhausting.

Tomorrow is fine dining day. I have to put on my pompousity and be all flardeefiddledeedar.

Random things I love

#4: Dorking out watching Discovery Channel or Animal Planet on a lazy day.

Internet Hell:

Twiddles his WHAT exactly, Mr. Internet?

Monday, September 21, 2009

First day of Raya and I'm physically, mentally and ingestingly exhausted... ngaha!
So exhausted, in fact, that I cannot sleep.

Why do people add in 'in fact'?
It's as if to protect them from the eventual people who would point accusingly and scream "LIES!!! IT IS NOT FACT IF YOU WERE NOT SO WHATEVER YOU WERE DOING!!!"

Also, loverly are the rellies with the moolahs this year.
Yes I is teh loves teh smell of money in teh raya mornens.

Also wik,
Bumped into KelantaneseBoy at the masjid after raya prayers. He was helping a friend with satay. XD
Nice dude, bit too much of a mulut tempayan though when it comes to things one should not say, though.
*cocks eyebrow*
You bastards were thinking of the other stuff weren't you? Dirty twits.
Damn changi ar, you?

Now, then you dirty bastards, wish me luck on the arduous meanderings for day 2 of Raya and a day and a night of working really hard on Tuesday. :D
One week of rest, I cometh!!!!!!
Last weeks of melepak with Mek Ta also D:

Alot of people were donned in purple today, I know not why.

Btw, tomorrow is white day.
See you lovelies at my house
*huge honking ass grin that couldn't possibly fit on a screen*
I made cheesecake,
Shrav, Mich, Shar, Skirt, Adam, (dll), tis a tribute to you. hahaha... wish you was here for face stuffies.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blang blang blang blang blang blang...


Happy Eid to all you kids!
For those who are still able to get duit raya, hope you reap LOTS,
for those who don't get duit raya anymore, don't be so stingy.

P/S: I realise why people do open houses on the first and second day when everyone is too busy visiting rellies... 1) because they're the older rellies, 2) so that people don't serbu the house and eat all the food. I guess I have to start sending the raya texts... sighhh... (not a disdainful sigh, mind you).

Comensup = coherent constructive criticism alphabet soup.

Friday, September 18, 2009

One more assignment and I will chill out for a week. ngeeehehehe...

dah gilaaaaa...


Just my luck to miss the printers, catch it the next morning with a truckload of other douchebags, print a million things, rush to college and completely miss the presentation.
Just. My. Luck.

I will have to do it the day I pass up FH.

Gotta finish FH TODAY!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The longer I stay in a consumerist society the more i'm irked by it.

I have a full on rant in my head but I have too much work to do.
You, dear people who read my blog (seriously?), are saved from trying to make sense of passages worth of wtf *headdesk*s...


Kepada semua yang ku lavishkan adoration, Not-So-Open-House at the Rumah Di Tepi Tasik on the SECOND DAY of Raya after FOUR PEE-EM.

This means the Sri Inai goons, the MIGS goons, the Cempaka goons, the HELP goons, the Raffles goons, the RSGC goons and everyone in between :D
(Family obviously invited... You guys never even needed invites pun. har har har.)

and by goons I mean all the lovely beautiful people. hahaha...

We have food. But if you're late and there's no food left then tak bleh blah ar.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

(@ Blackrope.blogspot)

Conversations with names omitted and horrendous typos intact.
*she told me she always thought he was a very nice guy, i told her that he'd been acting nice around yo, when he was actually an utter dick otherwise

*well im gonna have to remind her of what douche he actually is

*yeah she was shocked about it

*and calling him a dick is discredicting dicks all aorund

*calling him a cunt is a credi to dicks but not to other cunts

*i cant come up with a horrible enough name for him
*everything sounds too nice


*ohhhhh no waiiiiiiit
*he's an umno politician!

*good one
When's Raya?

Wait, I know the answer for that... I think...

Here's to me.
For no apparent reason.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Raya Poem?

I was going to do a poem for Raya
One that sounds abit less vulgar.
Was supposed to be like 'The Night Before Christmas'
But in all honesty, I couldn't give a a shitless.

So I erased the five stanzas I had written
Dismay and disheartened I was feelin'
'It's okay,' I shrugged as I write down the next line
It's all me, now. It's actually quite sublime.

None of these lines rhyme properly I thought
It's okay, It's poetic license I had recently bought
It's not like you people have ideas nor do you care
Because Raya's coming up, we must all prepare.

Ketupat weaving and rendang smells good,
we can't try the yummy since we're all fasting from food.
(Actually, at this point it is I who is not fasting,
It's women's problems so please stop asking).

But I'm respecting the rest who's stomachs do growl
And look on me as I act all a-fowl.
Stealing them cookies and cakes that were made,
Ignoring everyone elses restless tirade.

Bwahahaha... no, not really for I did no such thing,
I do the whole sneakery into my room for the eating.
But aside from me happy doing the munch,
Happily preparing are the bunch...

Baking cookies, baking cakes and the likes,
And likes does awefully rhyme with pikes.
Cleaning silverware, plates and dusting the house,
make sure nothing is there, not even a louse.

The days we count down and we wait diligently,
For first day of Raya we bounce gleefully.
I'm not having an open house this year
I'm sorry because it wasn't my idea

Other than the first one or two days we shall all be at home
so do pop by as you wish and make yourself known,
We'll serve the usual fixings and maybe some others
Rendang, Ketupat, Lemang, Spaghetti but not fish fingers.

So Maaf Zahir and Batin to all who matter,
Even the ones that don't get a card or a letter.
If I haven't been nice or once blew up in anger.
Apologies again, I will do much better.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Agent provocateur.

Add on:

Shrav mentioned Lily Cole having eyes of fuckedupness.

I couldn't focus on that...
Said I:
*but i like redheadsss
*so im not looking at the eyes
*just the hair
*and dear god the legs
*oh ad she did a playboy mag cover

Soooooooo, yeah. Redheads FTW.

Oh, and Tahmoh Penikett has now replaced Paul Blackthorne who replaced Julian McMahon who replaced David Boreanez for "teh omgz smexy". Ever noticed they carry the same aura and basic look?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today, instead of commencing with the thing called 'work', I delve into the world of boy accessories... again.

It's a known fact that I love guy stuff more than poofy pom-pom girly crap and I'm not apologising if I offend anyone. Also, If you're one of those people who go "Oh, that's cos she's totally a dyke," it's okay because I'm not a dyke, I play both fields, and you deserve to die. No offence, it's just that people like you are worse than cancer.

Now, then, where was I? Oh, yes... boy accessories. Cufflinks specifically.

usable (1gig) thumbdrives
retro cassettes
my personal favourites, compass and temperature gauge
bobba fett

Also wik,
Steampunk is a VERY pretty movement, from music down to fashion.

Also also wik,
I hate raya.