Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Should I go cubatry voice acting?
Details are here.
So basically it's a local company about to delve into the world of 3D (Say 'hello' to the pioneer Final Fantasy, Kaena and Titan AE a'la Malaysia). I wish them luck because so far the 3 movie's I've stated above had crap storylines and are sci-fi based... I'm not saying that their endeavours will be bad, I'm just saying that I hope they come up with some good shit to be proud of... ORRRRR... go ask for movie rights of some webcomic out there as it seems to me that alot of people are doing just that (Last Blood and Marry Me). It would be gila awesome if the ministry didn't butt in and let them do stuff from the supernatural... Yes, I'm a supernatural buff.
I don't think it's a question of 'should I' but more of a question of 'shy-shy lah'... Give me strength o invisible man in the sky!!! (Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster, whoever makes you happy).
Details are here.
So basically it's a local company about to delve into the world of 3D (Say 'hello' to the pioneer Final Fantasy, Kaena and Titan AE a'la Malaysia). I wish them luck because so far the 3 movie's I've stated above had crap storylines and are sci-fi based... I'm not saying that their endeavours will be bad, I'm just saying that I hope they come up with some good shit to be proud of... ORRRRR... go ask for movie rights of some webcomic out there as it seems to me that alot of people are doing just that (Last Blood and Marry Me). It would be gila awesome if the ministry didn't butt in and let them do stuff from the supernatural... Yes, I'm a supernatural buff.
I don't think it's a question of 'should I' but more of a question of 'shy-shy lah'... Give me strength o invisible man in the sky!!! (Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster, whoever makes you happy).
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
rainbow coloured people have personality disorders
Because it sounds better than schitzophrenia.
Nak go see Raffles Institute today, yay! For now though, I have to brush the teethus.
Because it sounds better than schitzophrenia.
Nak go see Raffles Institute today, yay! For now though, I have to brush the teethus.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
That's the main reason why I want to get my own place. No imaginary curfew to worry about. There might be none but in the back of your mind you think that you might wake up the next morning with screaming parent in your ear. Not a nice thought.
Went out with the Summer people last night with new people in tow, i.e. Kim. They are fun as usual.
Tati has a blog and Tati's thoughts on the world is ALWAYS worth reading. She's so insightful!
Went out with the Summer people last night with new people in tow, i.e. Kim. They are fun as usual.
Tati has a blog and Tati's thoughts on the world is ALWAYS worth reading. She's so insightful!
To Do:
Call up Soo to finish confined water course post flu
Call up Raffles Institute to schedule a meet-up with the course counselor
Book 3 back to back tickets for The Dark Knight and Get Smart at PavillionRESCHEDULED!
Call Kyn, Kim, Shrav and Mich for jamming session Wednesday at 11am
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Everyone has goals and oftentimes it is the quality of goals that sets you apart from the rest of the sheep. When you're set apart from the flock you're automatically a wolf. My goals are what make life worth living.
Majority of the friends I keep are wolves and the sheep I am not so close with.
Majority of the friends I keep are wolves and the sheep I am not so close with.
On a less straight note: I have adrenaline junkie tendencies!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
i has a headache
Technically, you can buy a put and get a profit after you sell to close when the market is bearish. This means that you buy at $0.70 and you sell at anything lower you effectively make a profit...
That said, why in the brickshits was my options running a loss??
losses looks like this: ($700)
profits look like this: $700
I bought at sevennycents and the option was already pushing fittycents. WHY?
Aiyoooo pening. Losses at $1000+ or something okay. It sucks even if it is tipu money.
My account has one million worth of tipu money by the way.
It. Still. Sucks.
k... time to ask people who know better than me... even dad's stumped.
I changed the put to a call and made $800 today... I'm happeh...
That said, why in the brickshits was my options running a loss??
losses looks like this: ($700)
profits look like this: $700
I bought at sevennycents and the option was already pushing fittycents. WHY?
Aiyoooo pening. Losses at $1000+ or something okay. It sucks even if it is tipu money.
My account has one million worth of tipu money by the way.
It. Still. Sucks.
k... time to ask people who know better than me... even dad's stumped.
I changed the put to a call and made $800 today... I'm happeh...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
end of seminar
As you all know, I was at a Freely Seminar for 3 days... 3 very gruelling days and I got out of it a brain that got turned into silly putty, mad trading skills and contacts of a really cute guy, we'll call him Mr. Chivalry.
It was a fun filled and giggly 3 days and I'm happy that the 'rents spent all that money for me to do so.
They're awesome.
Mr. Chivalry is hot.
It was a fun filled and giggly 3 days and I'm happy that the 'rents spent all that money for me to do so.
They're awesome.
Mr. Chivalry is hot.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
seminar day 1.
There's a REALLY GOOD LOOKING MALE manning the sound system and I happened to have sat in front if him the whooooooooooooole time... More news tomorrow, and if I'm bored enough, stalker photos.
He looks like a really nice combination of Gabriel from Cherating 2006 and Shar's Tattoo artist from NY. and taller too... =3
seminar day 1.
There's a REALLY GOOD LOOKING MALE manning the sound system and I happened to have sat in front if him the whooooooooooooole time... More news tomorrow, and if I'm bored enough, stalker photos.
He looks like a really nice combination of Gabriel from Cherating 2006 and Shar's Tattoo artist from NY. and taller too... =3
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I love glasses donning dorks... they are so endearing!
And did I mention chin hair?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
is that time of year again...
The Annual Summer Potluck thingumajiggy is upon us and I have decided that it would be done sometime in the 3rd week of July. The guest list will be as follows:
- Shar
- Cynnamartyr
- Mo
- Shrav
- Kyn
- Danny
- Junes
- May
- Min
- Li Yen
- Sid
- Hendy
- Usaid
- Shahrin
- Emir
- Hakim
- Yuli
- Jean
- Soon Seng
- Sara
- Ezzy
So yea, list to be revised.. date to be set and I'm specialising in desserts. The rest of you douchebags will come through with the rest of the foods.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
You know when a tonne of stuff runs through your head but you really cannot collect them into a nice basket with ribbons and flowers and possibly easter eggs and distribute them to the masses because you don't know how? That would be my brain right now in its flurry of thought, all jumbled up like coils upon coils of wire at the back of your tv and too lazy to unravel them...
I'm itching for a year of travel with limitless wads of cash right now. I see photos (Yes, Na, all your galavanting around Amerika Syarikat and Cana-duh) and it makes me slightly jeles. 'Slightly' being the understatement of the century and 'jeles' being the wrongly spelled operative word.
I've met up with some people over the past 3 weeks and will be meeting up with more. Ah, this summer is so hectic.
"Want some ee-che-krey-ahm on your ah-peh-leh-pee-yay?"
P/S have the letters Q/R in between them.
P/P/S This current blog is for the non-emoemoemoemo and the frivolous and the utterly mundane.
P/P/P/S I have no game OMGWTF?!
I'm itching for a year of travel with limitless wads of cash right now. I see photos (Yes, Na, all your galavanting around Amerika Syarikat and Cana-duh) and it makes me slightly jeles. 'Slightly' being the understatement of the century and 'jeles' being the wrongly spelled operative word.
I've met up with some people over the past 3 weeks and will be meeting up with more. Ah, this summer is so hectic.
"Want some ee-che-krey-ahm on your ah-peh-leh-pee-yay?"
P/S have the letters Q/R in between them.
P/P/S This current blog is for the non-emoemoemoemo and the frivolous and the utterly mundane.
P/P/P/S I have no game OMGWTF?!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Love is in the airrrrrrr...
but not for me. I need a shower it's. So. HOT!
but not for me. I need a shower it's. So. HOT!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
slightly ill
It seems that after so long, I have come down with a cold and a messed up throat. It is now July and I don't want to be sick for long. Postponed is my plan to finish my confined water dives by this week and postponed will be my want to get a new piercing shortly after.
Post Krabi:
Facking shoulder has now started to peel. It looks kinda gross.
More random brain-farts:
It's that time again: Hay fever and hooking ups rampant.
To Do list:
Post Krabi:
Facking shoulder has now started to peel. It looks kinda gross.
More random brain-farts:
It's that time again: Hay fever and hooking ups rampant.
To Do list:
- Cut hair
- Send new shoes to the cobbler to get rid of heel and put in nonslip bottoms.
- Meet up with Sara and Ezzy
- Have a potluck fooding at the house for everyone whom I rindu gila babs!
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