Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Got this off Zoe's Blog (My Boyfriend Is A Twat)

It was a unilateral invitation to fill in silly questionnaires and since i have nothing better to do...
(except study but i've spent an hour trying to look for R v Hennessy [1989] so fuck that)
I'll do it.

Here's 10 Things You May Not Know About Me
(and if you do know, fuck you. Read it again.)

I'm very, very, very shy of people when i'm in groups of larger than 20. I shut up and sit in the corner and make this 'i'll-have-you-for-lunch-if-you-come-near-me' face before they (the monkeys standing around... uhh, I mean people) decide to break up into smaller groups then I shall infiltrate and make a mess of myself.

You scoff... but really, I am!

I don't eat chocolate as often as men say women do. I'll only eat it if I feel like it. This means, I habitually have a chocolate stash in my fridge and everyone else eats it and when I finally get a craving for some, it's all gone. Bah.

My mom's family is Autocratic
My dad's family is Diplomatic
My mom is a typicall Kelantanese woman who makes assumptions and yells at everything (even at inanimate objects)
My dad is just cool.

... and that makes me really screwed up.

I want to go to chef school and be a chef but SMA (Type 3) keeps me in Law School so I don't turn into a nothing.

I'm scared shitless of turning into a nothing. The nothingness of being a nothing is unbearable. I'm also scared of God and my muzzer but that still doesnt beat the fear of amounting to...


I don't understand people with a foot fetish the same way I don't understand how people cannot live without a significant other. I will (or at least will try to) kick the next person who asks me "What is it like to not have a boyfriend and how do you cope?"

Go stick a pen in your bum and dance the mackarena.

Procrastinating is something i HATE doing but will inevitably do anyway. It's like a curse.

Like now...

I can talk about so much random shit it's almost amazing.

and finally...

I may, or may not, have groupie syndrome.

And that being the end,
I herewith Tag
Neena, Michelle G Lee, Mo, Michael and Junee.

It's up to you girls (and guy) whether you wanna spend time filling out pointless questionnaires.
That's all folks!

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