Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How to annoy your sibling

The objective:
To annoy/harass younger sibling

The Tools:
Door and loved furry animal

Safety Precaution(s):
Keep the door LOCKED at all times until you wish the madness to end.

Make sure the cat is close enough to touch from the small gap at the bottom of the door. Space at the bottom of the door must only allow fingers to go through for ample Kitty safety. Sibling would result in saying a bunch of stuff to make you open the door. Believe NONE.
"Come on... open the door... I won't take the cat, I promise!!! Please, please, please... PLEASE LAH..."
Kitty will undeniably move away from annoying hands and stare at you.
"Human, why are you doing this to me? I'm hungry..."
When you finally decide to open the door because you have better things to do, Sibling would attack poor furry animal with much fury. Cat will stare at you somemore.
"Whosascutewiddleanimal... Youracutewiddleanimal!!!"
And It's all YOUR fault. AHAHAHAHA!!!
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