Some pichas in chronological order and it also comes with wonderful sidenotes!!!
April 15th 2006: Dinner @ Wan's With My Favorite Side Of The Family.

Nanur, one of the Terrible Two. He's holding one of makbusu's Abby cats...


Ain, another of the Terrible Two


Me waiting to blow out the candles. With me are (from left) Long Lin, Ain, Wan hiding behind the chair and yellow baju'd Illans


My cake! It had a evil looking pikachu and 2 dinosaurs on it thanks to my little cousins... :S but it was gooooooood...

16th April 2006: Lunch At Ma Maison

Sel and Roland (dubbed 'chewbakka') had a pretty funny squat fight about each other... naturally, neither wanted to let up.


Sel, Roland, Mark and I


clockwise from me: Roobs, Mo, Mabs, Yog Lai, Sel, Ro and Mark

16th April 2006: At my house for a little while...

Ehmmm... Me, Ro and Kim. I refuse to know what was going on! NO!!!


Kim and I

Roland, Yog Lai, My sister and I watched Underworld to pass the time. It's a chun movie.
16th April 2006: Dinner & Sheysha @ Al' Rawsha

Tareeq, Kim and I before they had to run off...


Yog Lai, Chewbakka... err... Roland and I before they had to run off too...


Yunnie, Me, Junee, Hakim and Shar


switch Hakim with Danny


My babes of the momento!

I didn't get to take pichas with Fahmy, Shravi, Phil, and the rest... boooo!!! And Many people couldn't make it like, Armand, Nic, David, Kish, Emir and Jack.
16th April 2006: Tengah Malaming with the ones left at Coffee Bean

Look Ma, Mocha Latte Tall! Danny, Me and Shar.


Nice background huh?


Junee, Danny and Me


Yunnie, Danny, Junee and Shar

Hakim was taking all the pichas so he isn't in any... we persuaded his girlfriend Nadia to let him coffee with us. Hehehehe!!! Since it was my birthday right??? hahahahahah!!!
17th April 2006: Baliked From all that Fiesta-ing, Yunnie slept over. And What i got as PREZZIES!!!

We initiated
kecik... I must ask Neenatoots how she bakars the arang... banyak hal only...


Check it! Me wearing toesocks


There's a very funny story about this bottle of Baileys but i wont tell anyone cos its quite memalukan kaum lelaki... I'll tell you if you personally ask me laa...


3 pairs of toe socks i got for my birthday.

Other things include: Blue hair dye and (i feel very offended by this -->) A poncy box covered in lace from Lovely Lace. It had a PINK hair tie thingy inside it... BLASPHEMYYY!!! But takpe... it's the thought that counts.
One Random Picha Tersesat:

my blangkuti booboo

My aunt nak bagi me one of her abby kittens for my birthday. I want but my dad said that nanti blangkuti merajuking and its difficult to take care of a pedigree cat... Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... *sob*
I want more presents. This year tak cukup presents. :(
Rubbish... Anyhoo, It was a nice way to spend my birthday... I love my family very much. Thank you everyone!!! Sayang Awaks!