Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hiatus... again.

HIATUS! (again...)
Yea, i'm on hiatus again... what'd you expect? blek. My AS exam is drawing closer... it's in a months' time, except for my practicals... which are on the 13th and 25th of October for chem and bio respectively. I'm almost completely ready to face the pieces of paper that determine my life's fate... hehehehe!!! Oh well... maybe just half of the papers which are going to determine my life.
I think i'd do well in the people skills field.
I.e.: Event managment, Public Relations. Someones boss... *smirks*
But noo... everyone says i'll have a mobility problem. One problem i do have, though, is that i
lack the gist to go through studying for exams (minor ones). I. DON'T. LIKE. STUDYING.
On to the hiatus people! Cheers until its over.
Lots Of Love, Phat a.k.a Aishah.
P/S: Happy fasting to all muslims out there. And to those few non-muslims who'd like to try to fast... Good luck.

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