Monday, September 26, 2005

Hates redoeing something...

A tree,
It be.
Thats like one of the best poems i've read. Short, simple, concise, and doesnt fuck around with your brain. Sadly, i cant write something that simple. mines more like:
Twists and turns
round and round
kitty spat fights sword-plays
and merry-go-rounds.
Natural selection
evolution puppets
selective breeding
DNA nuggets.
Test tubes
bloody syringes
splitting atoms
babies drone.
Killers' blades
sluggish pencils
splattered blood
halls of fame.
Yea, thats what i would write... make that "JUST" wrote... hahahahhahaha... So i like to fuck around with peoples' brains. Hey, at least it gives you something to think about yea? So actually i did write soemthing before this but my computer decided it wasnt worth its memory so it wasn't published.
*shakes fists towards heavens*
Well, it wasn't that great anyway. I watched IT. You remember that movie with the scary ass clown? Yesh that's it... I'm still ohmygawdshitscared of clowns. Talking about movies and the likes, Mark passed me a little snip-it ala malay of the song by Dragonstae or summat like thats called Numa Numa Iei. I think it's a stupid ass song, but that's just me. Anyway, I fell off the chair and rolled around laughing when i found out one of the co-conspirators was Nash (one of Dan's old mates).
*starts singing "It's small worls after all!!!"*
It's that 3 degrees of seperation i was talking about to my trainer, Adam, the other day. Most countries have 6, Malaysia has 3. Three... hahahaha!!!
I wont be gymming this week. I hurt my muscle by doing something i don't remember doing. Honestly! And for those few who know me, I'm having an open house on the first day of raya (bring me money and yee shall recieve food). 3pm to whenever you feel like going. If you wanna crash at my place, bring your damn stuff... im not lending you my PJ's amd my brothers are too small so you cant wear them...
I think i've rambled nough for today no? I shall go mope in my corner with my chem file now...

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