Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday morning, up at nine-ish. Chores done quick, had some juice, now staring into a blank white canvas. The sounds of keys on the laptop transcribes the slew of words jumbled in my mind. Less clear, more like a tornado spun around and flipped everything.

The sun is shining which helps the cat catch some rays and some z's, lucky little suncatcher. The lyrics of Seven Collar T-Shirt's Foreigner rings in my head while I occasionally sing along.

"The last time that I spoke to her 
She wouldn’t let her guard down, 
I’ll be yours if you stay mine"

Her, him... him. Him. The last time that I spoke to him? REALLY spoke to him was a good year ago. The only reason I reminisce was a Saturday morning trigger. What a way to start the day. Thinking back, it was fun while it lasted.

Monday, August 18, 2014

The Little Bitch Cookbook. By Ash, Meersy and Sha.

A cookbook with occasional swearing, talking like posh people, references to pop culture and the key things to make delicious food good enough to get you into bed (wink-wink-nudge-bdge-knowwhatImean?).

This sounds like an absolutely brilliant idea. Starting... NOW!

Aside from this, I am ojbviously procrastinating so here's a little survey thing I found:

Name Your Favorite…
  1. Place: Kuala Lumpur
  2. Person: Me? But seriously, I have favourite PEOPLES so picking one would be a nightmare!
  3. Colour: Red
  4. Food: Not Applicable
  5. Smell: Kaffir Lime Leaves that you've scrunched up in your hands.
  6. Book: Odds & Gods by Tom Holt
  7. Movie: Robin Hood Men In Tights
  8. Music artist: That's a tough one...
  9. Genre of music: Metal
  10. Genre of literature: Comedy
  11. Magazine: The Economist
  12. Texture: Unfinished woodgrain
  13. Time of day: About 8PM
  14. Day of the week: Sundays
  15. Tumblr: None
  16. Thing to do when bored: I do that thing called the INTERNETS!
  17. Celebrity: Stephen Hawking, does that count?
  18. Class in school: P.E. since I was exempt from it.
  19. Website: TEDtalks
  20. Drink: Water
  21. Precious stone: Diamonds? Since it's my birthstone?
  22. Animal: Tiger, rawr!
  23. Flower: Torch Ginger
  24. Time in history: The time they invented the wheel
  25. Font: Advent and Balham
  26. Video game: Crash Bandicoot
  27. TV show: I have no idea
  28. Play: Spamalot
  29. Sound: Laughter
  30. Fruit: I like all the fruits!
  31. Vegetable: I can't choose!
  32. Store/shop: Don't have one.
  33. Article of clothing you own: A t-shirt that says "Protect your nuts"
  34. Fashion/style: Laid back and comfy
  35. Pattern: Paisley
  36. Workout: Anything in the Pool
  37. Quote: Veni, Vidi, Vici.
  38. Historical figure: That dude who decided silicone would make great boobs, kidding.
  39. Boy’s name: Mikael
  40. Girl’s name: Kali
  41. Potato chip flavor: Salt and Vinegar
  42. Meal of the day: Dinner
  43. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate Chip Mint
  44. Soda: Orange soda
  45. Popcorn flavor: Salted Caramel
  46. Season: Summer
  47. Month of the year: April
  48. Word: Meow
  49. Disney princess: Ariel
  50. Insult: "You illiterate shitdick!"
  51. Joke: Puns
  52. Cussword: Puki
  53. Letter: A
  54. YouTube channel: Zachariah Scott?
  55. Eye color: Brown
  56. Memory: *giggles*
  57. Dessert: Sago Gula Melaka
  58. Candy: Lindt 65% dark chocolate
  59. Restaurant: Suzi's
  60. Lifehack: Putting leftover lemon juice in cube trays.
  61. Language: Kelantanese
  62. Thing to learn about: Everything
  63. Thing about yourself: Everything. No joke, dude.

Friday, August 15, 2014

On my speakers play a very pretty and extremely improvised version of Little Wing -- that piece is absolutely beautiful. It's 2:30AM on a Friday morning as the blanket hides part of me from the cold night air. The back of my neck criss-crossed by a knitted scarf, bits of skin exposed. It's not uncomfortable per se, I lied.

It's been 4 weeks since the semester started and the ennui sets in again. Deaths, disasters, being and not being all happening at once, I feel nothing. I am probably a little bit dead inside? My brother said once that my idea of an endorphine rush is much more extreme compared to normal people. I am most likely a little bit dead inside that I need an envious amount of exhilarants before my id stops squirming from boredom. Breathe, I say. Breathe and things will move.

A state of decay, a totem of atrophy, a monument in ruin... I joke, I am not that much in disrepair to fall into that hole people seem to talk about. I am not broken. I am not crushed. I am not in some state of complete shambles. Cogito ergo sum: I think therefore I am.

The cat sleeps, nestled quietly between my feet. A staccato, his heart beats and his furry belly rises and falls from somnambulous breathing. Comfortable. If I don't follow suit, time will tick slowly revealing dawn and I would have missed out on an opportunity for a state of unimposed calm. Eyes shut, good night and until the morrow, I bid you adieu.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Brainfart until I can get a piece of paper.

My thesis is about short term collaboration through sound
Question: How can we invoke a sense of short term collaboration amongst strangers?
Overlain topic: Incitement of community and safety

Accidental collaboration?

Also, this post is a little self serving (What blog post isnt, really?)

I'm listing down my name and what it means in various languages.

Sha: King (Persian)

Aishah: Alive or She Who Lives or Womanly (Arabic)

Nor: Light (Arabic), Flame (Hebrew)

Shimah: Nature or Habit (Arabic), Mother (Navajo Indian), Cream or Character (Indian)