Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This is my homework... :|
I have to play it. And then review it.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm super excited for Raya 2013!

Menu for this year:
Nasi Kerabu with ayam percik/ikan goreng + other fixings
Rendang & Ketupat (compulsory)

Bubur Kacang
Lompat Tikam

Enough la right?


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just an update for when I get back to Melbourne, kind of like a memo note to self.

Build a personal website and aggregate all relevant data as a portfolio
- get domain name from iPage and use Wordpress because people seem to like using these two for web building.

Finish up One page Resume and multi-page CV

There's also a very tempting stand mixer on for cheap on one of the coupon sites I'm subscribed to. For REALLY cheap. wtf. To buy, or not?