Monday, August 29, 2011

Layaning JayKay at 2AM because it's what I do, at the same time writing ideas for the stop motion animation...

It's got to be random, pencil and paper based with outside paper-space props, comedic interlude, action, adventure... and all that nonsense.

There's also that instruction manual and montage.

Then there's my first Raya open house in Melbourne.
And buying stuff to prep for it... Oh, the cleaning will be a righteous biiiiiitch.

One thing I'm sick of doing is getting psyched for a movie based on a superhero I like and have it fall like a badly cooked flan. BOO.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Obligatory Annual Raya Poem (Yes, This Is The Title)

Raya is here again,
I wanted to play this on the uke.
I still don't know the chords,
Which means it won't be played on it la.

Puasa in Melbourne is alright,
From dawn to dusk is short,
Also the food is not that great
Which is why lapar pun boleh forgot.

I really miss KL
and my family and friends and cat
Because there's no free food here
And there's open house still at my flat.

This raya poem is so bad
But I can't be bothered to fix it
I have poetic licence
So you can just suck it.

Maaf Zahir and Batin.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm not entirely sure why I find this so hilarious...

Oh, and I went to the Melbourne Aquarium with the aunt and little cousin and have decided that being a shark/aminal feeder in the giant tank is an awesome job.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am procrastinating with a British accent in my head! WOOOOOOOOO!

Also, checking AirAsia flights back to KL for December. Home and the monsoon season. Home and good friends and fantastic food... And my cat.

But I am severely reluctant to go on the plane because it's a lot of waiting. I don't like waiting at all.
It's just a long list of waiting. Waiting to go on transit, waiting to get to the airport, waiting to check in, waiting to get into the gate, waiting for the plane to arrive, waiting for the passengers to get off the plane, waiting for the cabin crew to clean up and prepare for the next horde, waiting for gate to open, waiting in line to get tickets checked, waiting to get to seat, waiting to arrive wherever, waiting for the seat-belt sign to turn off, waiting for food, waiting for next movie, waiting for movie to end, waiting for captain to stop yammering about how high in the air we are, waiting to fall into an uncomfortable nap, waiting for the plane to dock, waiting to get off the plane, waiting in customs, waiting for the car and finally waiting to get home. It's just a long list of waiting to do something. Have I mentioned I hate waiting and yet I procrastinate. Surprise, surprise.

I have stumbled upon a lovely band called Twelve Foot Ninja. So brilliant. SO BRILLIANT I think I have fallen in love again. hahahahah... I fuckin love ninja costumed bands. And oh, so funneh.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Reading an article on The Economist has made me realise that a greater part of society has since responded to marriage either by delaying it for much later or denying it outright. It's a scary thought to have if in a few decades children will be few for those in the higher income bracket, a majority of expensive and elitist schools will close down leaving the remainder the given authority to become more expensive and more elitist, education as a business will become a long lost and highly outdated business plan and there will somehow be more people with less IQ and EQ on the planet. It reminds me, rather horrifically, of the movie Idiocracy.

The article writes that a majority of these marriage delays and rejections are by women in the higher income and education bracket, and of which, a large number of come from Asian countries. What really is going on is the rejection of the male dominated society where the man does nothing and his wife does everything. The onset of education and equal rights have given women a reason to say no to a lifetime of servitude to men who have been coddled by society.

I quote from a friend, Abby, who Tweeted "So weird, mom always make me look like I don't help enough. But the boys at home seems like they don't need to help at all. Equality much." and shortly after "Oh, anak lelaki tak payah buat kerja. Lelaki. Perempuan je kena buat kerja. Okay." (Oh, sons don't have to do work. Men. Only women have to do work. Okay.)

It's this general and very outdated consensus that men, as the primary breadwinner, suffers the stress of bringing home the proverbial bacon while the wife sits at home solely to raise children, clean the house and cook a meal. WRONG. A majority of the women I know are successful business owners who have decided that a career is more important and that they want to build and empire on solid ground before embarking on the creation of a family and a brood of children that will cost at least half a million each. Children and marriage is an expensive endeavour if you want to do it right.

So, my point is that if the menfolk want their wives, the share of chores will have to be divided equally, just as our Western counterparts. Otherwise we'll go on saying 'Tak nak' to marriage.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Made plain scones. It's lovely!
Also, have run out of cream. Blast.

Later tonight is for testing out how long it takes for the cube of sugar to dissolve under a steady stream of water for the beginning of the machine. Oh, so much thought for the stupid machine.

Writing things down now because I like making to-do lists.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

SCTS keeping me company while I work 'til late. I intend to sleep in tomorrow.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.

What is with the buildings in this country? All the walls are thin! Even for the more expensive properties! D:

Oh, and as an added bonus, this is what nonsense I've been up to these few weeks...


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Taik is having to write between 250 and 300 words pretending to be someone from an art movement. Worse is Futurism where women are shoved aside and every male thing is accentuated: War, destruction, mechanisation, speed, dislike for spaghetti. Marinetti didn't think much of spaghetti. SHAME ON HIM!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I guess everyone does a tonne of weird shit. Like me, for example, I go to sleep in my underwear no matter how cold it is outside, I sleep with the blinds rolled all the way up so that the sun kisses my face and wakes me up the next morning and I have a pile of shit on my bed because I'm a design student.

I don't know why I do the first one but I sleep with the blinds open because I stay pretty high up the apartment and nobody can see me unless they deliberately rented a helicopter. Stalker much?
And I have a pile of shit on my bed because I have nowhere else to put it until the project is over. It'll be there for the next 3 weeks.

Project of the moment: A minute long Rube Goldberg Machine.

... Google that shit.

Happy Ramadhan to all you people! Fasting or not, it doesn't really matter as long as you're in high spirits and good health. Raya poem coming soon!

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Confusion haiku:

That is just five syllables
But the eff's it mean?

Have halfway moved into QV. YEAY! And there's a 25M pool for swimmings! YAY! YAY!

But I have class tomorrow so... :(

Oh, Oh!
I want to go watch!
Orrrr I could save those pennies and watch it on the tube instead. Hah.
But Steven Fry and Alan Davies are so awesomer. :O

I have things I still have on my bucket-list. Things I'd like to have crossed out early on but no, not yet.
There's also some stuff I didn't write in the official bucket list which I have written down on the secret bloggy of blogginess. Mostly things I don't feel the need to talk about with other people. Only a handful know about this inner and rather turbulent me, a me I generally keep at arm's length.

By the way, did I mention I'm one of two International Student Representatives? Hellsyeah! *fuckyeahface*

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Selamat berpuasa all! Fasting month is upon us. :D

I'm hungry.

I'm moving out of 803.
From Friday I shall be known as Awesome... eh, I mean I shall be Awesome at 2604.