Friday, April 30, 2010

Board Games
Banoffee Pies in a bowl
Good Company
Femme Bonding
Iron Man 2

Money flying out of wallet faster than you can sucker punch Stewie Griffin

Have a great weekend, kids!
I'm not sure if I'll be updating but on the offchance that I do, good for you!

By the way,
got my new tub. ITS HUUUUUUUGE!

Also wik,
Diving in July, I'm paying the deposit soon, probably on Monday.
When I come back from Bali I would be proudly waving the diving flag...

... Or wearing it as a pin. Man, I love the colours on this thing

Also also wik,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Next week will sort of be a full 3 months since I've used the Hydrotherapy machine...
I feel healthier though my inclination to do some sort of exercise lies solely on whether or not there's anything good on the internart or whether or not I should have that nap I so wanted to have or... the list goes on and is filled with ideas for procrastination.

Excuses, excuses.

I have also begun a bid to eat healthier as well, well for a start we'll make it more balanced and with a significantly less amount of junk food.

Remember how much I want the HTC Touch Pro 2? Well, I want to get it but I'm hoarding money at the moment. Money is so pretty and it smells so nice I just want to lock it up in the bank and make it grow... Struggling now to make your money work for you means rolling in a lot of it in the future, at least according to my life plans. If only to supplement my love for travel and food and chill-out sessions -- and material things, lets not forget material things.

Things I have learnt about myself:
- I have some sort of superiority complex when it comes to certain people and their music. The stuff I listen to is just better in more ways than one why can't you people just accept it??
- I love flattery, no point lying about that.
- Nothing is more exciting to me, when it comes to guys, than the ability to verbally spar -- both friendly fire and double entendres.

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 11

Week 11 (27APRIL2010)

- Back ache is harassing me again, maybe because I haven't been tubbing religiously. Been taking showers because I'm just so pressed for time.
- They got rid of my favourite bike thingy at Physio but I guess it's a good thing because the one still there is a Nazi bike. It toggles from really heavy to mockingly light at whim. I also think it doesn't like me very much.
- Hair is very nice and shiney now, scalp is itchy. Can't wait for the big tub so I can dunk my head in with a snorkel. and just have a nap underwater or something.
- Ankle is still the buggery after 2 weeks. I guess all those stairs are detrimental to someone with less muscles on the important bits.
- Oh yeah, went on the weighing scale and I weigh 64kg, heavy for such a little person.
Two posts on the same day, you ask?
I'll spare you the speech, the last one was just to let you know that I will no longer be consuming junkfood unless there really wasn't anything else to consume.

Anyway, I sit here in class today with a head full of air and a mouth full of questions. No, seriously.

I also have the munchies.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm never eating McDonalds ever again if I can help it.
If I did it would be out of weakness and I'll be consuming laxatives so that it gets out of my system faster than you can say "mom".

An entire conglomerate based on having the world implode on itself -- or cave under the pressure of obese feet.
I shudder at the though of what my insides look after all that junk.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What does it mean to have dreams of people you have never met or seen in your life?
What does it mean for you to keep going to the same place over and over in your dreams?
Why does weird shit happen when I dream?

Whooooooo knows...

I still demand that someone come up with a dream recorder, by the way.
It would be so much easier to try and interpret these things when you can rewind and replay.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A very very French friend of mine sent a very very panicky msn message through his BB saying he doesn't know where he is and who the woman in the bed is...

Good thing: He's in HER house
Bad thing: He can't remember her name

I'm the genius that told him to find her name amongst her books or something and he found it.
He's also hoping she can't remember his name.
AND he doesn't know what to do.

Kesian kan?
First time one night stand.
He's getting lebih action compared to saya.
Now who's the sedih one...

Paling sedih,
Why the hell am I helping him??

Friday, April 23, 2010

I ended up writing this supposed-to-be-noon blogpost at 1:30AM the next day, thank you.

I miss the remainder of the people I hardly see anymore.
I lament.

I have to eventually go and buy that phone I want... Eventually.
Also, I'm pretty sure I was a dragon in my past life considering how much I love hoarding shiney things and riches. Oh, and I love the idea of having man-slaves.

Enough of that.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 10

Week 10 (20APRIL2010)
- Nothing new happening.
- Found out that I could get rid of the knot in my back via infra-red rays and ultrasound... both found in the machine, so let's see if that works to get rid of the kinks in my back.
- Using the fitball as a chair for an hour every day, starting tonight, as recommended by the doktahh.
Good people deserve good people.
Where do I stand
I am good people
Where is mine?

Bad people seem to get a lot
Bad people, who?
I don't think it's altruistic to say
Whether or not it's fact.

A tingle tangle of a mess
A mess of things to come
And go
And, well, time is relative.

Who are you?
Good Morning 2AM brainfart!

It's now 11:30AM
and I'm emo-ing.
I'm browsing through Sierra Snowboard gear wishing I could snowboard like the Flying Tomato.


Also, I still want a punching bag with double anchors and leather boxing gloves.
Goddamn you, SMA3... Goddamn you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My birthday dinner (the last one I'm having for the next few years) was almost epic!

The friends around me were all EPIC but I didn't reach the target amount of moneh needed for teh phone. :(

Hopefully a miracle happens and my goddad pulls through yet again.
Here's me wishing REALLY hard. hahahaha...

Pictures when I get them from May and Junes. :D

Friday, April 16, 2010

WHOOPS! It's my birthday but I think I just got younger...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Abysmal

Life is getting mundane and dull,
The days are rolling on by passing into months,
Months passing into years.

No longer am I interested in what interested me last year,
No longer am I interested in many things.

It's a sad sad truth that we as humans suffer,
Suffer with our own demise in the hands of boredom,
In the hands of monotony,
In the hands of a brain reduced to ashes.

And yet the greater percentage heeds none,
They play as though it's never dull,
They refuse to grow,
They refuse to understand.

And so these are the few,
The few who bring the world into a different dimension,
A dimension of folly and deceit,
A world bereft of patience.

A world with none the virtue,
None the capacity to take things slow,
Take things slow...
A world that has denied delayed gratification.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 9

Week 9 (13APRIL2010)

Ankle hurt from going up and down too many stairs.
Back ache playing peek-a-boo with me
Less tired
Period lasted the usual amount of days
Lethargy only on the first day of period, this week was one of the bad weeks
Moved up one level on the hand exercise bicycle thingy
Leg balance levels at 40 - 43% on the left without thinking, still on level 4 (hope to move up soon)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Started reading Scarpetta, finally.

Also, it's 1AM and I need to poop.
News to all!


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

SG-2000 Progress Report: Week 8

Week 8 (06APRIL2010):

  • Had some sort of upper stomach muscle pain
  • PMS persists, lethargy and feeling of weakness
  • Period still hasn't come and is now another week late, strange
  • Leg balance is now around 40% on the right and 60% on the left according to bicycle at physio, the last time it was 30% (right) 70% (left)
  • Can see some muscle definition on left leg and can move kneecaps up and down, couldn't use to.

Walking video up soon this week.
I have decided to add in my progress report into this blog regarding the use of the SG-2000 on my wellbeing.
It will henceforth be labelled under "SG-2000 Progress Report" and it starts on week 3 because that's when I decided I had to write a journal on it.

Walking videos up soon.
We'll see how far the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3 is impaired by the use of SG-2000.

No drugs were used during the process.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

*new post song*

Dreams, according to Disney's Cinderella, are wishes your heart makes...
That's a lie because my dreams are weird and I don't want most of them to come true.
And no, I haven't had a really good nightmare since I was 9.

Friday, April 02, 2010

I admit to have not started reading Scarpetta yet. Mainly because I've been spending too much time on the computer.

Need to re-do some stuff for 3dmax... -______-
malas gila.

Oh and by the way,
I'm recommending a home hydrotherapy/spa machine thingy to everyone I know. It's REALLY good. So good you gonna wanna slap yo momma!
It's called SG-2000 and it's very new in Malaysia so it's the most opportune time to get a distributorship before the network gets saturated, yo. (You can talk to me about that)
You can check out the merch via the Canadian website (because Malaysia's too new)
or you can go to my blog for the machine at
Literal Lifesaver.
If you want it, better come get it!

(Also wik, It's a million times cheaper than going to slimming centres and spa resorts every few weeks. Honest!)

Add on:

We were talking, well they were, about 3D television the other day over dinner, my dad's side of the fambleh, and my uncle pointed out that 3D is why we have 2 eyes. We'd also have serious depth issues being a cyclops. a two-fer that followed...
Aunt: So... What happens when you have three eyes?
Serious lol ensues.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

We'll start with things to do:
- Scan pages from magazines
- Pass Bong back the magazines and some pieces of truffles for taste testing. (moved to when i see her)
- Call Nindapuan to confirm the foot-tub before Bong goes out to get it
- Swimming
- Bring machine to wan's house with some oils in tow for Longkus to test out
- Read book before bed

I shall make it a point to go to my grandmum's house every Wednesday (every alternate Wednesday?) for dinner! YES! hehehe... that side of the family is too fun.

Need to eat less chicken and more vege. I'm keeping the beef where it is because, well, cows are DELISHUS!

This looks too be a promising in between terms holiday. :D