Friday, May 30, 2008

diet day 4 and 5

Because I couldn't access my internet last night I had no chance to rant about day 4. Here it is, followed by day 5.

Bananas and Milk.

Is by far the easiest day because bananas make you feel full and low-fat milk pisses you off after drinking a glass cos it's not as tasty. For dinner I had some rice though because I've been advised to eat as such. My body kind of doesn't function much without carbs. Been waking up with less energy daily. That can't be good.

Oh and I got Veronica Mars seasons 2 and 3 for company. Yay!

Proteins and Tomatoes.

That would be day 5. Lean chicken or fish or lean steaks. Either baked of grilled. Same goes for the tomatoes.

It's now 1:15pm so I can't really say how it's going yet so I will edit if I can access the net later tonight.

Going out to buy fish with May. She's on the way now. Well, fish or a hotdog from 1901's... I know, It's not healthy. Shutup or I keeeel yiewww...


p/s there was a power failure last night. Thank god for the laptop and all it's AV glory!


I had lamb ribs. mmmmmm...
Also, It's my dad's birthday :D
48... two more years until half a century, dear old man.

Dad to my brother:
Hey maybe you should be a nuclear physicist. Then you can stay all day in the lab finding new ways to *trails off*...

... and then one day you get bitten by a nuclear bug...

and The turns into 'THE PEST'!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

diet day 3

Fruits and vege.

On the onslaught of mighty-shit-feeling I've decided, after consulting with several people, that this diet is not for me BUT I will still remain on it until the end because...

... I am not a quitter. No, that's not right...
... I always finish what I start... Yes, that's it.

This said there will be some tweaking in the nutritional value and caloric intake department.
Yes, the calorie counting will be had.

I was reading about your metabolism rate last night before bed and I realised how unhealthy these diets really are if you go deep enough into the inner workings of food, sustanance-wise. It hardly covers the energy used for your daily bodily functions which probably means that your body will think it's starving and begin to ration fat stores on your stomach, butt and thighs. Not good. I then began researching about the metabolism rate and all its wonderful inner workings.

It seems that I have a RMR* (Resting Metabolic Rate) of about 1302.57**. You can figure out yours by the Mifflin-St Jeor equation:

RMR = 9.99w + 6.25s - 4.92a + 166g-161
w= your weight in kg; s = your height in cm; a = your age in years; g = your gender (f=0;m=1)

And turns out that at rest my body needs around 1400 kJ*** in energy to work. Is that the daily amount used? Sikitnya...
So anyway, from now on it's just cutting back on food rampages, cutting down on the carbs, chilling on the sugar intake, 8 to 10 glasses of water daily aaaaaaaaaaaand EXERCISING, which is really not a problem if I really put some effort into it. It starts by training the body to wake up at 8am daily by hook of by crook and so far it's been on schedule. I'm really getting the hang of it. No more sleeping past noon. Baby steps...

Now on to non body specific news:

I will be diving this summer with Lesly of Global Scuba as my trainer. Yes, that is the name of the 'Diving Instructor'. Nice chap, very easy to speak to. It's gonna cos me about RM850.00 for the pool lessons and more for the open water cert. And then there's the bit about buying gear, specifically the 2 piece wetsuit... I can feel my money disintegrating from my savings account. Woe is me, wish I had more mah-nee.

Also, it seems that I will be taking intensive French this summer because mom would like her children to be fluent in the word of the frogs not that I mind of course.

* Also known as BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)
** I'm not sure what the units for metabolic rate is.
*** Again this is just a guess.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

diet day 2


(Start blog at 1722 hours)

In light of the aformentioned 'to do list' I have done all within a reasonable amount of time. All before tea.

Which brings me to a thought:
What's for tea?

What's for breakfast and lunch?
Salad, salad...


I bought the Camera Of Awesome today with the fatherling and happily chucked it into the pond once I'd charged the battery. Yay for me! First time I'm not in fear of dropping the precious camera. Oh, for the love of gadgets.

I'll be seeing The Diving Instructor tomorrow before 2pm once I finalise the timing with the ibunda. Here's to eventually getting the diving certificate and going into the deep blue. The joy that would bring.

(Break blogging for nap at 1725 hours)
(Resume blogging at 2014 hours)

My internet is on the fritz. Again.
And there's nothing I can do about it.

I want cookies.
(End blog at 2015 hours)

Monday, May 26, 2008

diet day 1


I can deal large chunky fruits. Really, I can. I was about to call it a day and go to sleep early so I can have a potato for breakfast after some cardio tomorrow but no.

Enda asked if I wanted to go Chinoz to see her old school friends.
By 'ask' it usually means 'by pain of death' so I went.
Chinoz means food.
And food means Epic Fail.


So le morale du story: When dieting. Make sure you ignore 'asks' by parental unit of the female variety and stay at home in your nice comfy bed.

No potato for breakfast but yes for cardio before vegetables the whole day.

To do list:
  • Wake up at 8am
  • Cardio at least 30 mins post teethbrushing, facewashing and water drinking
  • Proper breakfast 15 mins after cardio
  • Call Global Scuba and arrange meeting with The Diving Instructor
  • Hop on to Ampang Park to purchase the Camera of Awesome
That is all.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I need to lose some kilos...
Can't fit pants.
I hate buying new pants.
Must fit old pants.

Add In:
I bought Santana's All That I Am and Trapt's self title album
... so far Trapt okay la.

Friday, May 23, 2008

cd wishlist

I updated the wishlist in the "ShaRoose" Section...
So if you run out of gift ideas.

Nope... I have almost zero shame.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


WOI! ahahaha....

15th June: Kynz
23rd June: Michelle
4th July: Liyen
5th July: Shar

I'm not sure when the rest will reach the tanah air but ku tunggu... Lepak session ala vengence. hahahah.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I'm so terribly excited for the trip to Krabi in June.
Satu bulan lagi and everything is already paid for.
I so love my girlies.

Leave house for LCCT

Agenda: Snorkel, Eat, Laze, Picturetaking
Does anyone know how to build bonfire? It'd be gila awesome if we could build one. :P

No plans as of yet

Leave in the pagi...
Epic sadness...

So yea, I will be writing up the draft itinerary soon after i finish another chapter of 'You' which is after the calling up of the diving instructor henceforth called 'The Diving Instructor' pending further notice.

Monday, May 19, 2008

money out of teh bankies

Diving Cert
Waterproof camera
Krabi Trip
Perhentian Trip


The first thing I'm going to do after getting that camera is click record and throw it into my fishpond...



Sunday, May 18, 2008

thought bubble

It's funny how things quickly pique my interests during exam seasons (Re: 2 week straight updates in a one day stint) yet during the average days I'm hardly interested in anything and I hardly present you with updates. My sincerest apologies.

Yuli and I are collaborating on a comic called 'Sk8 Maniac', though the name will be changed when we find a more suitable one. Basically, it's about a bunch of skateboard brats and their x-games co-conspirators but no, we're not making it ala-ala Lords of Dogtown okay... also... my skatrivia is utter shiart. So Yuls is doing the skate dinamics because I don't really care about the terms and stuff. Yang kenal is the ollie(sp?) je. I'm the writer and Yul's is the illustrator. Once the cover is done I upload here dulu la. Show kepada kengkawan tersayang.

Another comic collaboration will be for the short story I wrote called 'You.' This time with my wonderfull Zaty. It's about falling in love... I'm not getting soft okay, I'm still macho ke tahap maksima! hahaha...
This story focuses on a girl and her posse during a beach vacation. She meets boy, boy is sweet, everyone gets along.
I don't know how I want to progress this. My love for the supernatural peaked again and I'm tempted to throw in some heebie-jeebies into the plot. That said, it might make the story considerably longer. Also, I await the drama insertion since everyone loves drama don't they?

Important News:
The Krabi Trip is ON!
Going with May and Min on the 2oth of June.
We bought tickets and secured hotel bookings already... Yes, I know... Sebulan lagi dah book... Excited ma... and YAY! it's coming into fruition!

Monday, May 12, 2008


As everyone would probably know, I am a huge fan of the supernatural and the unexplainable and thus is my affinity to writing fiction.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

new comic

I hereby link Last Blood, a comic about vampires, zombies and the last remaining human group for your consideration. Bwaha!

I'm a sucker for monster topics. So nice. So gory!

Epic squeee!!!

Friday, May 09, 2008


did I tell you my sister coked my laptop?

as in...

She COKED my laptop.

If rosak, I swear she will pay by buying a brand spanking new lappy or there will be blood.

I don't care what the law states about murder.

Bring on the 1st degree, baby!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thinking up 7 things is hard...

Got this off T who used my dirty tagging trick on everyone.
Also, I'm the bored.

7 random facts about me:
I have limited to no focus when it comes to education even if it means my future
I wish I could take the time to pursue something wholeheartedly
I have vast musical interest contrary to popular belief
The Malay language is something I want to start using more
I like caffeine…
I used to form a lot of clubs back when I was in grade 6
I can be very mean and nasty

7 things that scare me:mom
clowns (Thanks a lot Steven King!)
failed cooking (though most times it makes me more mad then scared)
amounting to nothing
losing the people I love

7 random music at the moment:Summary – Seven Collar T-Shirt (It’s stuck in my head)
Atreyu – Ex’s and Oh’s
Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry Be Happy
Mushroomhead – Kill Tomorrow
Nina Simone - Ne Me Quitte Pas
Itchy and Scratchy theme song from the Simpsons
Bowling For Soup - High School Never Ends

7 things I say the most:
“Epic, dude”
“… perpetually,”
“I kill you…”
“-lah,” and it’s many variations
“Babi, kena bangun… must awaken. Must… zzzzzzzz,”
“I’m hungry,”

7 things I treasure the most:Life
People I love
Culinary wonders
Money in teh bankies
External Hard-drive

7 recent "first time" things:
Resitting one miserable paper TWICE. Sialan.
Guzzled green tea
Eaten wasabe ice-cream
I feel elated that my best friends hooked up, usually I feel intense dread
I got a Snicker bar as a gift before the giver used my printer.
I have bushels of moneys to spend (but as usual… I’m in the hoarding zone)
I admit to having warm human feelings.

Ini macam...

Nobody get's tagged. NOBODY!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Post xam bloggage

And since I’ve not blogged for 2+ weeks, here’s a date recap of what happened with me and my bodily functions and maybe some other less important time-consuming stuff…

18th April 2008 – stuffs gotten

I received a gift from sayang Akerzz. He remembers my affinity to Jhonen Vazquez (which he had introduced in the first place). Now I have a mind numbing comic to read post-exam, yay~!

19th April 2008 – Nothing happened today.

I had a sandwich for dinner.

20th April 2008 - Not getting my ‘fox’ on.

It seems as though these few days leave me in a lurch of want, wants that are of the male variety. I wholeheartedly blame my genetic imperative for causing all of these wants to be present. I deny my genetic imperative living only with the thought of self preservation and that of others. My genetic imperative is similar to many human beings. My genetic imperative pokes fun at the movies Species I to IV. My genetic imperative mocks my subculture. My genetic imperative is generic. My genetic imperative is making me a horn-dog.

Buuuuuuuut… as with all genetic imperatives, it shall have to be ignored for the greater good and all that is holy *chookecoughchokebarf*.

21st April 2008 – Nothing happened today too

I should stop computing then.

22nd April 2008 – bulatan crops

Ever wondered about crop circles and who or what made them?
Ever thought that it might mean something?

Fig. 1.1

Maybe the crop circle shown in figure 1.1 means ‘[bleep] you’ in alien and they’re all messing with us.

Fig. 1.2

Maybe figure 1.2 means ‘I am an Idiot’?

Also, it’s funny how many people have crop circle drawn on themselves as tattoos…
Imagine if you will…

“Hi mom, I like blasmerphlarg.”

Don’t ask me what ‘blasmerphlarg’ is.

23rd April 2008 - If you could put together a dream team of 10 bands to perform for you and friends, who would they be?

I took this off Na’s blorg.

No, I wasn’t sniggering at your Hansons thing, I was making funny khh noise because umm… my nose was umm… itchy. Yes, it was itchy so I had to khh and then khh again many times. Thus making the sound “khh khh khh khh…”

System Of A Down

pre Light Grenades cos the last album didn’t drum my heart-strings

Fat bottom girls is my theme song. XD

Static X
Just so that he can sing ‘I’m with Stupid’

w/ Eric Johnson, Steve Vai and Joe Satriani

The Cat Empire
how can you NOT like these Melby natives?

Seven Collar T-Shirt
satu-satunya Malaysian band that I’m proud of


Bob Marley
aaaaaai shot deh sherrehff, baht ai deed not shoot deh depooty. Oh, noh noooooh!

ku suka this French lady so much!

The Crusaders
best instrumental jazz EVARRR!!!


24th April 2008 – Moozakk

Nina Tuds brought me YUNA to sample. She’s really good for a (and I’m running on an assumption here) hipster indie wannabe. Her compositions and tone reminds me of a mixture of Frente and Suzanne Vega and maybe Camille without the frivolity of any of Camille’s gorgeous pieces. Though admittedly, Yuna’s songs become stale after a few listens. They become quite generic but I’m still excited to be exposed to her. Yay for Malaysians. *smirks*

Yes, she’s a hijabi.

25th April 2008 – Ty! Ty! I have preposition for you!

How would you like to join me in a cooperative illustration of a short story called “You” that I am in the process of completing? It also depends if you ada masa ke tak lah, otherwise I cari orang lain. :P

26th April 2008 – she wants me to BREED?!

MaternalUnit (after finding unmentionables in my bathroom):

Me (in my head because saying it out-loud will mean me ending up as someone’s next meal):
Tannah kawin pun… tch.
*Rolls eyes*

I’m being paranoid about the webcam. Someone may be hacking into it OH NOES!!! So, I googled the web to see if it was possible and yes, it is possible.
Hackers can do anytheeeeeeeeeeng.
But itu pun, I’m just being paranoid considering the on switch on the webcam suddenly comes on when I’m not using it.
Holy shiatsu massage, Batman!

I’m so the paranoid. *smirks*

27th April 2008 – meet-up plans.

Gonna be meeting up with the girls from Cempaka, edibles at Ma Maison but the date has yet to be confirmed.

Post xam and Mabel’s bornday.
I miss my Cempaka lot. Honest! I do not lie about such things!

Ode-in-photos to Cem-fuck-er College…

Attn: Scan old SSIJKL photos for insertion into the interwebs and stuff.

Things most frequently heard under the age of 12:
“Aku sekeh ‘palo mung,”
-MaternalUnit when I do something the bodo-
28th April 2008 – band

Silversun Pickups…

… That is all.

29th April 2008 – beards are sexy


[Dallas Green off Alexisonfire]

Upon that thought. I started laughing because aside from the totally yummy beards and glasses I saw Mr. T and that Harry Potter guy in all their unkempt glory.

[Hagrid from Harry Potter]

[I Pity Da Fool...]

And some interesting webbies for you to kill time with:

Subway Crush/
You Talk Wrong
How fast do you Type?

29th April 2008 – all smiles

A friend of mine sent me a song and the title was my name. Tak kisah-lah spelling macam mana cos everywhere pun spelling lain… tch… but the point is: It made me smile because I felt loved. When someone thinks of you enough to say hi or send a song it says that you’re loved doesn’t it?

So here I am sitting in my room beaming from head to toe. I need to study but have lost all focus at the moment, instead, beaming at the fact that some people do think of me and that I am loved.

This was brought to you by the wonderful world of emoemoemo~!

Also, I’m not one for gila slow songs right but can you see my ego inflating???
Can ya? Woooooo. It’s HUUUUUUUUUGE!

For realsy though, the song is dedicated to all women.

30th April 2008 – tak kawin punya…

You know why I will never settle? (NEVARR!!)
It’s because I hate the concept of the fair-skinned but I also sometimes dislike the appearance of most of the tanner skinned.
Whatever it is lah. Tak kisah pun.



2nd May 2008 – lovessss!!!

Missing you loads here, tch… Not really.
Have fun in Perth.

3rd May 2008 – diddle

Hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog barked to see such fun and the dish ran away with the spoon.

Considering that people use the word ‘diddle’ to mean the sexytime what does that song sound like to you now?

Hey DIDDLE DIDDLE << *breathes in* The CAT and the FIDDLE <<>

4th May 2008 – aiya…

Seven Collar T-Shirt’s Summary.

Insert: How come there’s no lyrics databank for SCTS? Babi.

5th May 2008 – fuh…

Uno day + some hours left…

6th May 2008 – tomorrow… I LOVE YA!

Finally, it cometh.

Camille’s Au Port because I’m a poncy prat.


I hope you guys enjoyed 2 weeks worth of non-blogging bloggage! What? You’re telling me I shouldn’t have? You’re aflutter with delight? For serious? No, here, have a bagel.

Actually, some of the stuff I filled in either a day early or 3 days late. XD