Time goes by so fast now it's not even funny, and the bad thing is... NOBODY IS GETTING ANY YOUNGER. (Unless you a freak who just keeps getting younger and younger everyday... than whoopdeedoo!!!) Anyways, shit happens everyday. To you, to me, to every other guy that passes by. Thankfully, shit isnt always bad... sometimes you just think its bad like, the other day... which i think was on monday (math test! The Horror!)... all the ladies kinda went back home and i was stuck on the third floor with the guys... and when i say guys i meant all of them testosterone pumped side of the species that were having fun pummeling the lights off of Ed. well, it IS fun to watch guys beat the shit out of each other just for kicks and for no obvious reason. It's like their "trying" to show off in front off you. But that just means i like to syok sendiri cos there was NO WAY they pummelled Ed for sweet lil old me... *grins*
Anyways, as time went by had to go back cos my ride was almost there... and in that instance, all the guys, (i.e: Mark, Kish, Adam, Hafiz, Rafel, Ed, etc... i forgot the rest so sue me) a grand total of enough-guys-to-almost-fill-up-the-lift-save-a-small-space-for-a-girl, went in... and if you could hear me eep... *EEP!* that was not fun. I mean it was but it wasn't get what i mean? So there i was, in the midst of towering testosterone... honestly they were towering cos they're a whole lot taller than me i felt like a midget... and suddenly A'Dale thought it was funny to push Ed. And then came the domino effect. Ed fell on me and i fell on Mark. Thankfully, the lift was small and i didn't fall on my ass... that would've been even more embarassing! BUT... BUT!!! I did fall... squash... fall... land on... whatever... on Mark. My whole point being is that i have a BIG ASS ASS! I just hope i didn't violate his balls.
Backup motions only do well when your going out with the guy... otherwise that whole event just damn near freaked me out! So the moral of the story is... NEVER GO INTO A LIFT FULL OF GUYS. ITS DANGEROUS AND PEOPLE WOULD THINK YOU JUST HAD AN ORGY INSIDE COS WE ALL CAME OUT GRINNING.
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I'm bored, i'm tired, i have a headache and i flunked math exam ( 18% out of 100%)... it doesn't go as well togeher... maybe a momentary flashback wont hurt won't it? Well again this happened on monday. The day that i had math exam. The day i flunked math exam confirmed. The day i squashed someones balls.
But, that was also the day i told some ladies to go watch Russell Peters cos its funny. Stand up comedians are really really good. You should watch Pablo Francisco oh, whoever is reading this. Anyways, i was telling one of his jokes... not very well but they could sort of understand... and then Kish comes near and goes "Ahahahahah!!! That's really funny," and smirks.
What an idiot. So, i smirk back and attempt to hit him... but he moved... so i tried to elbow him but couldnt find his belly and then at a futile attempt, back handed him and accidentally "grabbed his ass"? What was that all about? Anyway... he turned around with a stupid facial expression and said "Hey, you grabbed my ass!". I tell you, it was a thouroughbred accident!