Monday, November 25, 2019

Personal Project: SP4 Screen Fix

We all know the Surface Pro 4 has that stupid screen jitter problem and apparently it's all because of the screen being sub-optimal. I found a blog that explains how to remedy the screen jitters by replacing the screen outright with a Surface Pro 5 screen!

Here are some links of importance:
The original link:

How to disassemble a SP4:

Remove the screen:

Battery (3:19) and thermal paste (14:41) replacement:


Thermal Paste, Noctua NT-H1 = RM29
New Batteries - RM289 (Laptop Parts Shop)

SP5 Screen = RM600 - 850

SP5 Screen to SP4 Cables, M1010537-003 LVDS cable = RM40 - 82.34

Optional: Bigger SSD?

WebShop Links:
Laptop Parts Shop

Top Mac Store