The guy who sells cheese at the deli area of Vic Market is SO CUTE. Suka sangat shove cheeses into mulut orang. But damn the Australian Pecorino was good. It's a shame it's all going into the lasagna though. :(
Takpe... If nak lagi I'll just go pay him a visit again, maybe this time get like 250g worth of Pecorino. He will henceforth be called The Cheese Guy until I know his name. Oh, comel.
Anyway, I bought steaks... Porterhouse cuts. It's bloody huge. And bought a tonne of fruits and vegetables. But obviously not enough veg because I can finish the ones I just bought in 3 days if left to my own devices. The basket of fruits look really pretty.
It's been a while since I've blogged and I've been tweeting almost automatically so you can imagine why all my sentences look abrupt and disjointed. Tweeters must eventually become pretty good one liners seeing as their thoughts have to be compressed to 140 letters or less.
Right, Sunday is for fritatas. I shall attempt to make cute little fritatas in my tiny casserole bowls. Mushroom and zucchini fritatas for Brunch. Fritatas on a bed of salad with french dressing and buttered toast. Naiiiiise. Well, if May doesn't get the ingredients tonight I shall have to get it myself tomorrow morning. Yay, for grocery runs!