Monday, January 31, 2011

The last day of the most horrid month of the year. I'm taking a breather from a morning of working out. I've resigned myself to calling occu/physio 'working out'.

It's also Monday.

I sigh as the day I leave KL draws nearer and nearer. My hair stands on ends just thinking about it. Oh, and it was still raining so what's on the agenda today after working out? Lunch, bath, sleep.

Mama Nature is going apeshit. I think I could guess why.

Finish watching episodes of The Walking Dead from Season 1 and one episode of How I Met Your Mother from Season 6 and I'll mosey on to do other stuff.

Waiting to get Seasons 1 and 2 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Sunday, January 30, 2011


Can't catch me!
I've once again locked up the little purple flowery fluffy princess in her cage. The non-mush types rule once again! -- With occasional outbursts. She does need to stretch those legs once in a while, non?

It's Sunday morning, the sound of rain hitting the roof and the cool air brings a sense of nostalgia. What a perfect morning to cuddle up with someone.
It also makes for an aggravatingly horrid day for a barbeque.
We didn't get to see the pretty lights. Damn.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

T minuses will resume when there's 10 days left. I can't be arsed.

A lazy weekend is upon us!
Working towards selling off 3 more pieces of machines so that I can pay back the parents. :D
I don't like owing anyone money.

Things to clear up, more things to buy.
More lists to make.

I'm re-doing the arrangement of my charm bracelet again. It's getting rather... crowded.
Also, backing up files and files and files. :|
And rethinking the phone thing in Melbourne. I think I might just stick with the iPhone since none of them have the HTC Desire Z yet.

I've got many... Unlabelled CDs... Curiouser and curiouser. After checking most of them out I've come to the conclusion that they must be chucked. Haha. Oh, I should go out and buy that terabyte hard drive. It'll be so easy.

Finally finished backing up all the files and works from Raffles' Advanced Diploma In Interior Design. Ah, the feeling of completion after putting it all away. I do have to call Raffles after CNY about getting the piece of paper that says I've completed the course as well as my final results transcripts so I can copy it and have it certified.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Every year it's the same. January and, in part, much of February will suck. It's as if the world is rinsing out the bad and starting new on wobbley legs. It's easy on those people who follow but hard on the ones that make way and stand their own. Kind of like the predator-prey relationship for the simple fact that prey do not have the luxury of time to get their bearings and start running. Predators on the other hand take... FOREVER... Take for example cats and well... Humans.

So here I am, taking FOREVER to get my bearings. I cannot wait until the rife and tumultuous month of January it's over. Then it's me pummelling through February. "Grab life by the balls," someone had said. If life had balls, I would have grabbed it. Sadly, life's a bitch but, unlike SMA3 (which is another bitch), I can use mah pimp hand. XD

After making the ISIC card and makan Banana Leaf, spent the whole day playing PS3. HAHAHAH...

Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum (With the family when the parental units return)
- Apam
- Really Good Porridge
- Nasi Ayam Kampung (With Bong, Poe and May)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- The Daily Grind
- Levain
- Burger Nigga
- Sushi

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Am I getting the days left mesed up? Yeah, yeah I did. :|

Actually T-25d.

That's more like it.

A lazy Thursday it is indeed. Watched Claymore til episode 22 and am getting the rest. I hate cliffhangers. I really do. Tomorrow is for making ISIC cards and Banana Leaf Brunches with May and Poe so I'm going to sleep early tonight... Preferably before 12. *shrugs*

My fingers are in pain again. When will the pain stop? WHEN? So annoying having to play the guitar and then stop cos you feel like the tips of your fingers are going to fall apart.

I want to collect vinyls. :D
Bootsales in Melbourne, I'm comminagetcha.

Watching The Professional.
Some of Jean Reno's lines are made for lols.

Mathilda: Leon, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you.
[Leon chokes on his milk]
Mathilda: It's the first time for me, you know?
Léon: How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
Mathilda: 'Cause I feel it.
Léon: Where?
Mathilda: In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... It's gone.
Léon: Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My very, very French friend said "... We have to enjoy life and making love every fucking day," after talking about how we, as a species, will become extinct if we don't do anything about the state of the world now and I think his words are pure gold. Who else but the French would think of something like that. Then we went on and started talking about the semantics of swearing. From a serious topic of conversation to a superfluous one in point three seconds flat.

I met up with Tati and Kyns yesterday. How come we don't have a picture of the three of us? Strange. Anyway, we were at Central Market for dinner and then at the Annexe to attend a Memorial Art Exhibition in memory of Teh Leong Kwee, a.k.a The Journeyman. When I die, I would want to have had touched the lives of as many people he had. What are we but mere specks of dust until we mould the people around us into something bright for the future, by then we'd have probably grown into dustbunnies.

I hope that when I die I'd have a memorial like his with people from all over the place o pay their respects. I hope they all have nice things to say. Then, I'll get them to play 'Ha, ha you're dead," by Greenday.

I'm sorely tempted to post pictures of ALL his art pieces but I wont. I admit that I have fallen in love with a series of pieces. It would be a shame if the family decided to split them up, also, they're not selling the pieces. They're like siblings. One should never split them up or the magic, the interest will just fade away as if nothing was even there. It becomes just another novelty piece found at the commercial art stalls in Ubud, Bali. Mere knick-knacks. There was a man who was both worldly and philosophical and with wrinkles in his smile that suggest a genuine interest in all you have to say. He had been there and done that, mopped a few toilet floors and probably bought a few t-shirts. Then he'd take you out on a student-teacher excursion after class to a pub and, over a drink or three, beguile you with his tales of travel and art. It's a shame I never got to meet such an amazing person who'd touched so many. He was my friend's lecturer.

If you love me, you'll get it for me. hahahah...
There's more towards the left but I didn't bother to take it in it's entirety.

I picked up my guitar and started playing again after so many months. It's gathered a fair amount of dust and my fingers have gathered a fair amount of pain. This is what happens when you stop playing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I just watched Paper Man and realised how much I love watching movies that have people who don't know how to relate to life in the beginning and eventually come to realise that they cope in some strange way... Or have Ryan Reynolds in it. This little gem had both. I am so a fangirl and RR looks shite and his voice gets extra annoying with bleach blond hair.

Lately, I've been consumed by the trololol and am quoting internet memes. This is madness... Madness? THIS IS MY HAUS! *falls of the chair dramatically*

So yes, enough of this rubbish. I'll be at the Annexe Gallery for The Journeyman Exhibition in memory of Teh Leong Kwee, tonight as he was my friend's former lecturer at Cenfad who was an amazing person and artisan. I shall go take the cinnamon rolls out of the fridge to let warm up so they can be baked and consumed with nomming fervour.

A short nonsense-contest curtesy of my sister and I. (I may or may not have taken the liberty to clean up the grammar a little bit, oh, and paraphrase here and there)...

You know housecats are really fortunate in a sense that they get to eat beef and lamb and turkey and stuff... The feral cats have to make do with rats, cicak and bats. It's kind of sad.

Now imagine blangblang with a collar, tie and a monocle as he speaks to his feral cat friend in the thickest pompous english accent ever...
"I say, ol' boy, I had the loveliest piece of beef this afternoon,"
"Y'took down a cow?!" said the feral.
Now, imagine then blangblang hunting down a lembu...
"Ol' boy, would you mind terribly,"
*running sound effect* *cough wheeze* *gets tired* *still running*
"Would you perhaps mind slowing down?"  
"And possibly let me bite you on the jugulum?"  
*gives up and lay sprawled*
"Dear God, that was hard! How does my larger brethren do it?!"
*wheeze coughwheeze catch breath*

So, there we go. It's all really funny in my head, mind you.
It takes really long for the cinnamon rolls to get to room temperature. Roar roar roar!
Haven't seen kaz online for DAYS! Where is she?!

I digress... Maybe I should make lists today... Lists and stuff. Sigh.

Thoughts during making...
"Crap, I ran out of flour, mahybe I could use wholemeal flour? Yes, yes I can."
"It's still not kneading consistency..."
"I hope this isn't too much flour,"
"Omaigawd what if it's keras??"
"This seems like too much sugar,"
"How long to put it in the oven? 20 minutes should be fine,"

Monday, January 24, 2011


Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum (With the family when the parental units return)
- Apam
- Really Good Porridge
- Nasi Ayam Kampung (With Bong, Poe and May)
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf (With May and Poe)
- The Daily Grind
- Levain
- Burger Nigga

I really should be packing and making lists... But it seems as if I'm too much in a state of 'meh' to yet care. Anyone knows where to get really good nasi bubur? I know, it's a little bit random to be asking where to find food now. I'm still stuffed from lunch and I'm multi-tasking by blogging and updating the recipe books. I have to e-mail the parents. Later this evening, perhaps?

Perhaps I shall have to also print a tonne of stuff for the RMIT folder so that I can breathe easy. Oh, it's going ever so slow. Ah, and I shall have to make the cinnamon bun dough tonight. Sighh... So lazy. So, so very lazy.

*few hours pass*

Dough is so annoying to make. I hope I got it right, though. :|
Before you pass judgement, how about YOU try to make bread.

Goddamnit tak cukup cinnamon powder! Grinding of cinnamon ensues resulting in lots and lots of cinnamon powder. Extra emphasis not needed. The Cinnamon rolls are ready for baking tomorrow morning, I chucked them into the fridge. One batch is pure cinnamon sugar and the other batch has got almonds in it. Mmmm... Perhaps there shall be pictures tomorrow? Perhaps. My hands smell like cinnamon, it's very comforting.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Skydiving in tandem there = Save moneys.
So mahal =_=

Today I collect my thoughts in proper paragraphs instead of lines of speech seemingly unconnected. My eyes flutter open, it's half nine and already I am cursing, I get out of bed to do the morning routine. My head is punching out narratives like the water running furiously from the tap.

"Clean up on isle one," I mumbled as I turned the tap off. Yes, I do talk to myself. It's not new, I tell people that fact all the time. Figuratively, of course.

It's irksome to know that you cannot continue sleeping when you have nothing better to do during the day. It's a Sunday, by the way, and there's really nothing to do as I've mentioned earlier. Things to look forward to tonight include burgers and 3 hours at the Cyber Cafe playing Blur and Left For Dead 2. I like both games, they're hilarious. Coming with me are eight others. Havoc will ensue.

May has recently called out a want to go skydiving in tandem. I am looking forward to that and so will be saving money for it starting now. It shall henceforth be called the 'Push Me Out The Plane' Fund. Anyway, fast forward to after the gaming session. I do so love Blur -- the game, but I do love the band, too! We ended up going to play on the first floor of T-bun II because the first floor smells like a lavatory in a male dominated dormitory. Ick. Seriously, ick. Going up was, as usual, a hassle and it didn't help that I had a friend who pretended like I was a baby learning to walk. It was giggleworthy though. Three hours of madness for which words cannot explain, one packet of peanut M&Ms and a piece of candy later we left and I am lousing yet again, at home.

"I need to buy a new external hard drive with one terabyte of space," The phrase popped into my head as randomly as three crows squacking the Pink Panther theme.  Oh, dear god, the noise would be so vile. It's almost two in the morning. The only noise that jams itself in my ear is the sound of the occasional car hitting bumps outside my house and the incessant whirring of my computer. The computer which, and I am sure, has some kind of jet engine built into it. It's that noisy.

The effects of the sugar high is now gone, I shall sleep. Sleep. In hopes that I don't wake up too early in the morning. I miss sleeping half the day away, I truly do.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


There's been a lot of negative vibes this past month.
My instincts have yet to fail me.
Something is amiss.

Had a lovely time with May teh gojess. 11+ hours of gila madness.
First the IDP talk, then scouting for stuff to get for Melby.
Then househunting and checking out prices on the net.
Then dinner...

Then... caffein finally ran out. I sleepy.

Nite all.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tee minus twenty nine days.

I'm terribly excited.
Oh, and I still haven't found fleece to make the hats with and this is sad.
I so want a Cthulhu hat. :(

Life is making me giggle.
I have people that love me.
I've also gotten a little box to put my chocolates in. Mmmmmmm...

@4:07PM... My heart just skipped. Something is amiss... Why do I get these ominous jolts of electricity coursing through my gut?

Finished 3 Seasons of Sanctuary. Good stuff if you're into that kinda thing. Cliffhangers... Oh, I do so hate cliffhangers.

I do so love my brothers... They're so pekak sometimes it's funny.
Ariff was listening to Joe Satriani while I was playing with the cat... so terdengar la... conversation esues when i went to speak with...

You know Joe Satriani has a very destinctive sound? You always'll know it's him playing...

Ya, so?

You mean if someone else was just playing Jose satriani songs...

What did you call him?


Did you just call him Jose?


I know it starts with J!...

LOL! JOSE SATRIANI, Killerest guitar skills in the barrio...



So here we have Mr. Jose *koff*JOE*koff* Satriani playing one of my favourite pieces.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Had a trade-off with Grampa (code name hahahahaha).
A packet of peanut M&Ms for a slice of my homemade red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting.
It's like the sugary goodness version of a drug cartel...

The Sugary Goodness Cartel.
Mwaha-ha-ha-ha... *cue continuous evil laugh*

He couldn't find the big packet so he got three little ones instead. Damn, M&Ms are expensive.

Mwa-ha-ha-ha! Tomyam time!

Had a lovely dinner with the RSGC people last night, It's nice to know that in 30 or 40 years, I can still go back to them and start talking rubbish.

Have gotten my student visa :D
Also, Thursdays are for loafing around.

Scribe and translate recipes for recipe book of maddening awesome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A month and I leave,
That's 4 weekends before I disappear from KL for several months.
Terrific, I can't wait.

The sullen mood that plagues me is not as strong as it was yesterday.
Also, I become rather poetic when stuck by the melancholy.
I'm thinking of my first birthday not in KL, probably not having a barbeque too.
A quiet dinner with close friends with some wine probably.
It's going to be hard to get a group of close friends together when you're prone to making a bazillion friends and at random. A bazillion friends and a bazillion more squared for acquaintences.

I'll miss my cat.

Women come in threes and men in twos. I know not why this is.

I don't aspire to be rich, I aspire to be wealthy and cultured.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Welly, welly, welly, welly.
Looky what the cat dragged in.
Actually, cat didn't drag in anything. Cat just took time to look unequivocally adorable.

Hung out with bong for 5 hours. HAD MUCHO FUNS! <3

I've decided that the words in the locket will be 'I AM' because I am everything I have ever wanted to be. I am proud of my past, present and future and I am capable. I know this.
Also, it helps that I'm my own little cheerleader.
Screw those who think otherwise.

I generally have very low regard for people who haven't a clue as to what they want to achieve. I have even less for those who don't treat themselves with dignity.
I sigh,
as we spiral into how...
It feels as if my beloved city has taken on a more saturnine mood.
It's no longer warm and forgiving,
It's no longer cheerful and kind.
It's now grey, cold and monstrous.
The malady of malcontent and melancholy.
I never thought there would come a day where I would feel as though I'm being pushed away.
Melodramatic, I know, but I'm allowed to be once in a while.


Monday, January 17, 2011


When to go for L4D2?
Am fully booked on Wednesday and  booked for Cashflow 101 with Bong tomorrow.

I'm geeking out on Tarot cards and would like to get a deck for myself, the full 78 piece one AND the 22 piece one. Divination LOL.
That said, I'm reading into the history of Tarot cards and reading, checking the meanings of each card and playing around with my own standard deck of cards to see if it's worth a shit.
Freaky stuff.
*eyebrow raise*

Anyhoots, watching a shitload of junk now to sedate my brain after melting the brain playing cashflow 101. Ergh.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Food list:
- Ayam Penyet
- Dimsum
- Apam
- Porridge
- Nasi Ayam Kampung
- Maggi goreng
- Banana Leaf
- The Daily Grind
- Levain
uhhh... Got lagi but I cannae remember...

I stopped cleaning my folders at M because there's like a bahzillion stuff in the M folder and I wanted to go to sleep. Yeas.

Had May and Sarah K come over to make cakes... Red Velvety deliciousness. Mmmmmmmmmm... Omg. We're keeping this recipe. It works and it's delicious. Oh, and we went to Sarah's and played PS3's Little Big World and couldn't stop laughing at our pathetic attempts at finishing levels. Damn sad wey. I want PS3... it's so farnee... Hehehehehehehhee...

On Friday, I waved and made faces at a small female child as she was leaving the UH drop-off in an SUV... Tonight, I did that again with another small female child sitting with her parents at the booth next to me while I was having dinner with May, Sarah K and Ikhsan. Uh-oh.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I love my friends. They make me laugh and smile and wish I could see them all the time.
But situation begs otherwise. :(

I trimmed my own hair last night. So far, it looks not different. That's a good thing. That means I didn't go scissor-crazy and go really short. hahahahah...

Hung out with Zaty and Michelle :D
Had introduced Michelle to Eddie Izzard and them both tto Taiwan Noodle House. :D
Good long catch up session over some frozen yoghurt. Mmmm...

I love those people whom I can just sit and talk about rubbish even after 3 years of not hanging out. Yes, for some it has been that long. XD

On now to cleaning up my folders on the hard drive. I should get a terabyte hard drive shouldn't I? I should.

Friday, January 14, 2011



Physio and Occu every Wednesday and Friday morning.

Going through the RMIT Uni Map so I know what I'm doing and where I'm going when I'm there...
Still trawling the internet for tutorials on making fleece hats. <3
Yeah, I'm silly that way.
Where to buy fleece? Hmmm...

On the billboard on the way back from physio I see a HTC phone ad and one of them has a qwerty slider. HORIZONTAL one too. Checked the name: HTC Desire Z.
OMG NAK! And it's an android!
Problem: I can't find any decent plans for it available in Australia. So I might be stuck with a BB Torch anyway. :(
I weep... Nak that phone :(

Anyway, it's SHARK WEEK! And my body feels like shite.

Why do people add people the've NEVER MET on facebook? STOP DOING THAT GODDAMNIT I DON'T KNOW YOU!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Whoaaa... Viza es goooood...
Speaking of Viza... My student visa should be done soon :D

I overdid it in physio yesterday -_______-
My shoulder hurts.
It's a good thing the lulur/urut lady is coming today.
God knows I need a good lulur and massage.

Am still making lists for Melbourne.
Figuring out the monthly budget as well.
Brisbane is under water, I hope the water recedes fast and everyone is alright.

Man, Viza is making me feel like dancing. Hard.
It's so ethnic!

The RMIT Interior Design website :D
Trawling through it slowly while moving to the music.


What's the perfect monthly budget for an Interior Design student in Melbourne?

Now, say hypothetically, you get transported to another dimension with no electricity... But you have all these gadgets that you can live without but it runs on batteries and needs to be recharged. How do you go about recharging it?
A: Can someone invent a solar powered cell with a power outlet so we can use it to recharge benda? Or has someone already invented it? It would be damn usefull in the jungle i'll tell you that. Just make sure you bring your adapters and cables and whatever.

I want to make this... for autumn...

And then I'm probably going to go on another Cthulhu bender.... Bloody internet.
Tutorials yay!

I'll miss my table...
Dad told me to pack 2 weeks of clothes... But that means I'll have to... BUY clothes. apakah?

If you love me you buy me art. Amazing art pieces that I would be proud of.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


What have I got to thank for? A lot, actually.
Yeay? Yep.

Morning was for physio and occu therapy at UH so I woke up at 7AM. Had but 3 to 4 hours of sleep, I'm not sure. Was so groggy I didn't care about anything else but crawling back into bed. Ended up having a 5 minute nap on the patient bed while waiting for the stationary bike to be free. What is occu and physio to me? A free gym. Ha-ha. My right shoulder hurts from all that exercise after... 3 months of... no exercise.

What am I doing over the holidays?
Oh, you know, reading stuff that I need to read, louse around on the internet, watch movies so I can delete the bad ones off my hard drive, planning shit.

When I go hunting for an apartment in melbourne it would be nice it if had a gym and a pool so I can exercise and stuff. We'll see how the hunting goes. Keep your fingers crossed. I am just so psyched out of my mind right now about going and the packing is going to be a bitch. 23 years into one giant suitcase and one carry-on. Okay, I'm being overdramatic. I'll be back for the holidays so I get to stay in my room at least twice a year. Hahahaha... Oh, the dramamamajamma.

Douchey introduced me to another band today. They're under Serj's label and are called Viza, they changed it from Visa. Who knows why? So far, I like what I hear.

I still haven't got a good quote to stick into the heart pendant. It's hard to find a quote that sums up your life, love and everything in between.

Making lists of things to pack, I should start piling up the clothes I'll be bringing with me, finding a suitcase and a carry-on, turning all my cds into digital form so I can take my muzakk with me, play with my cat. I'm gonna miss my cat. Cut hair, shop, lulur&massage, back up all fiiles on DVD and send laptop for reformatting, rename and clean out external hard drive (purge crap music), further clean up room and move things into cupboard for safekeeping aaaaaand throw questionable items away.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another zombie dream?

I checked the interfart for zombie dream meanings and it says "To see or dream that you are a zombie, suggests that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are feeling out of touch. Alternatively, a zombie means that you are feeling dead inside. You are just going through the motions of daily living.

To dream that you are attacked by zombies, indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. You are under tremendous stress in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your fears of being helpless and overpowered."

Thing is I dreamt there were lots off zombies at my Grandparent's Jalan Duta house, and a group of us were killing them. I wasn't scared. At one point, we were at a ledge and there were perhaps 3 zombies and one of my friends was trying to do a backflip headsmash but she wasn't strong enough so we just threw the zombie off and watch it splatter on the ground. For the first time in my dream, some kid was attacked by a sprinter, just one though, the rest were crawlers. So strange.

My study lamp is being retarded. I must show the father this. It's annoying me like fengtau music/lights and giving me a headache. Meh.

Countdown to Melbourne: T-39days

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stress is significantly decreased because I only have to find a place to bum at for 2 weeks or less while I search for an apartment. I guess I'll have to stay with my parents in their hotel room or something. Friend is staying with her dad until we find a place.

It was raining and it's really comforting. The garden outside looking a lot like a mini sanctuary. A retreat from the world outside that's threatening to rip out your heart, pulverise it with some of your sanity and drink it like liquid gold.

Okay, it's settled. I'm staying with my parents until I get the apartment sorted out. We'll only start looking when we arrive there. I'm leaving via Airasia because I'm cheap (and admittedly proud of it) on the 21st of February at 10:30PM. A night flight whereby I hope I'll sleep through it. Day 1 will be for the University stuff, day 2 will be for the bank and telco, day 3 onwards would be for the apartment/house.

Definitely must thank Richard when I'm there. Perhaps first buddeh in Melby? Perhaps. Also should thank Ry for being such a gem.

I don't know if I want to be sent off. It's not like I'll be gone for long. No use making such a big deal from it eh?

The BB Vs Android:
So far, BB is winning. I dunno... I'm so confused.
Goddamnit someone better come up with a side slide out qwerty touchscreen thing that I would drool over nonsensically.
Checked the BB website and I wouldn't mind a BB Torch. It looks sleep, businessy and well, I guess I'll have to see the shop and check how much it's worth... It's settled. I'm going for a BB Torch from either Optus or Vodaphone. I wish the red one was available though.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

I'm not one who usually gets all stressed out but on some very few circumstances, I can become... slightly muffled. Sometimes stress is good but this time it seems that it's making me stuck in a state of inertia and taking a considerable force to get me to start moving again. Progress is made by a full January Calendar, resuming the exercise routine, planning, planning and more planning.

The apartment is making me worry to high heaven and I don't think that I'll be any less worried til I find one and have it ready for us to move in.

Agenda for today:
- Bread chicken
- Deep fry chicken til golden and delicious
- Make hot sauce of deliciousness
- Go to Bong's as soon as parental units get back with bibik.

Wanted: Boyfriend
Duration: Just until I leave to Melby
Job description: Boyfriendy stuff. That guy I come home to and unload all that stress. Cuddley personal assistant. Watch movies with and complain if it's bad.
Payment: Hugs, kisses and food.
Psycho needies need not apply.
hahahahaha... -___-

And... Stupid ovaries.
Hello, friend.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Buffalo Chicken Wings and Buffalo Chicken Poppers for Bong!

It's not really that hard to separate the chicken from the bones... Also, there's a TONNE of stockworthy bones leftover. Yeay! Moral of the story: Always buy whole chickens.

Agh... everything needs to be breaded in flour. Malasnyaaaaaaaa... But tomorrow. Shall start frying as soon as I wake up or something.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Quick trip for medical check-up confirms that I have no TB and is therefore fit to serbu the land downundah. I was okay until about an hour ago when I felt a great discomfort fall over me like a tidal wave and now, I have goosebumps. Discontentment. What a horrible feeling. I know I'm supposed to do something more. I see my January schedule starting to fill up my time. It's great but it could be better.

I had a strange dream the night before, A powerhouse lost in a sea of concrete was what I felt like. Also, It seemed for a split second that I was dating some guy and he dumped me. Then I was pissed at him AND the girl he left me for. Huh, Insecurity, so that's where you've been hiding. Prior to that, bedtime spooning with someone. I hate my subconscious... Sometimes.

The ovaries haven't yet started to talk but they have been elbowing me rather harshly in the ribs. Pray they don't talk anytime soon. Goddamn ovaries.

I'm browsing internet for the recipe for Buffalo wings with awesome hot-sauce for Bong's Birthday.
At the same time scowering the RMIT Interior Design website... Just to check what classes I'll be taking and which I can be exempt for.

E-mail to Dr. Saini is sent, called OT/PT to make appointment for next week, had lunch. The room still needs a bit more work. I moved my books to the bedside cabinet and the Albums to my work desk because I seriously have a lot of books which are seriously heavy -- not to mention a tonne of magazines.

I spoke towards a mirror today... and I found a mix of smugness and disgust when I talk and think of one group of people, a look of adoration and utmost respect for another group and the last group... of general annoyance. Interesting. Figure out which you one are? Hehehehe...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Rawr rawr rawr!
The Samsung Galaxy Tab reviews... Rawr raaaaaaaaawr roar roar rawr roaaarrr!!!

It's still in Beta, Android needs to do something to usurp the Apple throne. I'm sick of apple junkies all up in my face with their swag.

I'm only using the iPhone cos my mom got the iPhone 4 and has no use for her old iPhone and mine died.

In Melby, should I get a BB or an Android?

I saw you walking around in my dreams with a nice hat and sort of wavy hair.
You looked reaaaaaaaaally hot.

Disjointed posts really mostly only appear in the mornings. :|
Maybe I'll just do my medical tomorrow. Or maybe this afternoon, like after I get my stuff at the office. Also, I'm hongreh.

My ultimate pamper session:
Step 1: Cut up some fruits like mangoes, some papayas and watermelons. Make some lime juice, no sugar. Chuck both into the fridge to cool up.
Step 2: Have a hot bath with selected bath oils. The smells will permeate the room and make the mood more relaxed and enjoyable.
Step 3: Have the lulur/massage lady give you a Lulur, approximately 1 hour long. More nice smells to permeate the room AND you get the scrubbing of your life. Quick rinse to get the gunk off your skin. Feel nice and clean.
Step 4: Get a 1,5 hour massage from same lulur/massage lady with her magic oils. More nice smells permeating the room. Get even more relaxed.
Step 5: Take out fruits and drink from fridge, add drink into a large pitcher filled with ice. Bring both to room for sonsumption.
Step 6: Acquire some nice fusion albums like the ones from the local band, Akasha, and stick it into the stereo system (A fantastic one), plug in giant headphones into the jack. Wearing only an oversized T-shirt and underwear, Lie on a carpet in the dark and listen to some tunes as your body calms down even further. Embrace the beats, feel the fluid rhythms. You can either get up and start dancing or keep lying down and feel the tunes pulsate through your entire body.

Now that's a fantastic day of pampering.
The problem with people is that you no longer have the perfect few whom you could spend hours verbally sparring with. The wit, the wisdom, the nonsense. The stabbing, the lasers and eventually the giggles of amusement between the parties involved.

Nothing below the belt, we all knew what that entails. If one did hit below, a stern warning or the phrase "That was too much," would be shot out faster than you can make the 'omg sorry' face. We knew the rules. Well, we used to know the rules.

Now, everyone's scattered across the globe. Friendships broken and lost, new ones formed but without the dynamics of a gaggle of misfits with the wit of kings. The dynamics between the two people vary from male to female and the inbetweeners. In other words, they each knew how the rest worked. We knew which buttons to push and which not to. We knew the big red sign that said 'DO NOT TOUCH' and we didn't touch it because that would mean trouble.

There was the few awkward glances when a stern warning wasn't raised. The dysfunctional silence where none of us knew what to respond with. The simple end remark. The closing words. Those uttered when all you wanted to do was to giggle at the words previously being thrown around lavishly. Then there were the flashbacks of what he said, she said, they said and when and whether or not it was relevant to the topic or just drivvel from the mouth of the nonsensical yet timely entertainer.

Use it or lose it is the phrase of the day. Use it I haven't and losing it I am, albeit slowly. So slow in fact I am beginning to suffer. I miss those people. Those few who were just so ridiculously witty you could fall in love with their mind.

I don't even have proper nonsense contests anymore. I sigh in disdain at the state of things in present times. Hopefully the timely change will flip the switch back to the amount of rapier wit I had acquireed within the three years of highschool. The barrage of insanity, I hope does not stop. Never. A mind continuously churning for better things to chew on. If it had a mouth.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Medical Check-up can be done either tomorrow or Friday after I finalise all work for hand-up to Jason.

New thing up on the wishlist: New Nikon Camera. The not so changgih manggih one. No need la. Simple stylo enough. Browsing the website gives me choice overload explosion. Maybe one of the Coolpix S(n)000's?

Wash hair, find food and do some printing.

Go off to Sarz house to ronda ronda with Junsey before she leaves for UK tonight.
I wont be seeing her until I return mid year. :(
omg sadness.
I'm sure as hell not eating dinner at KLIA. Die la.

Add on:
Zim has a new toy called the Samsung Galaxy Tab.
It's soo cooooooooooool. I want.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Picking dates to leave for Melbourne,
Between 14th (Lol, Valentines' Day) and 19th Feb cos there's some hot shit deals going on right now, and my Visa is being processed as we speak. Yay! It should be done before end of Jan.
Lodging, lodging, lodging...
We've picked a few, and Aunty Winnie's son, Richard, too is helping with the apartment hunt. He's a good bloke. Always eager to help. We've also got a few helpful hints for when we get there. It's exciting. I haven't started packing, I haven't even started planning to pack. Oh, my god, I can imagine the lists...

I'm talking errantly now while I collect the words to finish my Internship report. Recollecting those 2 months is kind of nice.


We're still figuring out where to go for the January quick trip and I have to stop looking at hiking pictures, it's making me sad because I cannae go hiking. :(
This also includes climbing, paintball and lasertag. You lucky lucky people, you.

I had to Grammar Nazi this and make it into a badge without telling the person who wrote it... because it's my new favourite Engrish Fail...

Hehehehehe... Jérôme should really stop flirting with me
It's making me feel special. Hehehehehehehe...
Silly French man. Hehehehehe...
He told me he'll be in Australia either early or mid March. He's not sure which part though. Hehehehehehe...
That man is very... nakal. HEHEHEHEHEH...

January, you are so amazingly full of things to do. Aside from the death of a grandaunt, you start impressively.

At 75, God rest her soul, she was a gem and everyone loved her.
She never argued, never made a mess of any situation,
Always the bigger person,
Oh, and she made one kickass lontong every Raya.
Wan Andak,
We miss you already.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Looking for a decent mp3 player to go swimming with that wont short circuit is hard man. It'd be nice to listen to some tunes for a few hours instead of listening to the water go 'whoooooooooooshhhhh' in your ear the whole time.

I do like to swim. I just wish it weren't so... repetitive. But what is exercise really if not a series of repetitive movements? I sigh.

Internship report to finish, need to call the office about my pay and all the other documents. :|
Neeeeeeeeeed to finish the report todaaaaaaaay.

Oh, and wheeeeeeeee! I hung out with Michelle Lee this afternoon for pastries and macaroons!
Sumpah, whoever I end up dating will get fluffy after 3 months. I know where the good eats at, bitchis. XD


Report to hantar in on Thursday morning. Set. Wednesday jumpa office for important documents and shit.

Sunday, January 02, 2011


Starts slow, as usual, as I recouperate and recalibrate -- at least the brain has rebooted, no viruses found and all software is in working order, I'm aware that we're talking about the insides of my head. It's the second day. The parents' 25th Anniversary. Why did my parents get married on 2nd January? Originally, they wanted to get married on the first, you know, New Year's day! But... My dad realised that more than half his friends would be hungover from the celebrations. My parents FTW!

May and I have started thinking of what to pack for Melby, the list is inconclusive as of yet but it will be. Just give us (me) a week to sort out everything else. Oh, and she came over with Chesticles yesterday with some froyo (Passionfruit&Raspberry w/ Nata de Coco&Peanuts!) for Monopoly, how is it that I always get my ass whooped in that game? Goddamnit.

I finally opened the new tabletop calendar and organiser for the new year. Rerwiting all the important birthdays and lists of things to do for this year, making plans and plans and plans... I've one last report to hand up, Visa sent in tomorrow morning,  Also, I wont be able to make any sort of countdown to until I get my Visa sorted out as well as the dates for the flight.

Things I HAVE to do while in Australia:
- Massive road trip during summer across the continent.
- Great Barrier Reefing.
- The Zoos
- Sydney Mardi Gras.
- Music Festivals.

Making Masak Darat chicken because my brother is a ponce but YAY FOR POTATOES!
Who wants a giant fucking lolly? PLEASE?

Oh, and I jsut realised I have discount vouchers for rooms in the Mutiara JB. Should we go there to lepak for a night instead? Slow drive down to JB.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

I sit here, after the first Indian food lunch of the year with the family+grandad, in my pajamas just typing away and pondering my existence.

The day after Grass-of-Patch year 4?
I don't exactly remember when the first Grass-of-Patch year was. It's a wonderful tradition for the Clan nontheless. Not as many people this year as the last, what with several key people (and their significant others) missing though a few new faces did turn up this time.

Had a single fireworks session only from The Curve, no longer a firework troika but it was so pretty. And no, I didn't get a new year snog from anyone. SAD. Seriously, if it's one thing I want to do this year is fall in love... whatever the hell that means, oh, and with a person this time.

It took me a while to realise what a doting creature I actually am because I don't exactly just dote on the ONE special person (though I would love to)... Because I have the many special people to dote on most of the time. Sort of like a mother hen... A terribly spoilt rotten, smug, self appreciating, amazingly narcassistic mother hen.

Bishop (or Meers, as far as intchangeable names go) was talking about how she can see herself with babies... I still balk at the idea mainly because they cost a million per spawnlet... But I do admit that I'd be one totally awesome mom. :D
Imma raise my kids the same way my momma and dadda raised me, with finesse, humour, love, attention, care, and an iron palm/rotan/coathanger/belt.

Sigh, I've gone a wee bit mellow. My badassness still exists just not in its original amount.

Lists, lists, lists...
- Submit Visa application  to IDP on Monday morning.
- Clean room and pack little by little, the things that will be going with me. Throw away junk.
- Put into a bunch of DVDs all the stuff from the Advanced Diploma in ID from Raffles.
- Filing... ergh.
- Read book.
- L4D2 with the mates.

And a happy 2011 to all!

P/S I checked and Grass-of-Patch Started in 2009. ALL HAIL NEW CLAN TRADITIONS! and bloggy is 6 years old.