Monday, July 31, 2006

so uncliche


Lady In The Water Poster

And that's how you describe M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the water. Despite the bad acting (which meant that the movie surpassed the acting), who knew one could fend off a large, green, grassy-furred doggy with a pool cleaner-mop-thing. hahahaha... and deep within the swimming pool's water vent is a cave full of the stuff you misplaced. Ha.

Amongst the questions i wish to ask Mr. Syamalan is:
1. Why is it madam Narf?
2. Why is the doggy called J.G. Scrunt?
3. Who in the right mind would think of just exercising one side of his body? Obviously not a way to pic up chics.
4. How are your daughters?

Click HERE to read a notsoflattering take of this movie by some idiot who probably needs to be killed for being a bad critic... preferably the same way the movie critic in the movie was killed... narrating his own death. Puh-thetic....

But anyhoo, I had oodles of fun hanging out/catching up with Neena, Jess, Chelle, Puts and Safia. We ate at the Lebanese Restaurant in KLCC... not bad lah...

I read an article in one of the papers lying around the house (i'm quite sure it's a day old) about bloggers and their blogs saying that what we blog about is rubbish and something about some daft old prick hating other poeple for their freedom of speech. Filter this fuckheads! It's a blog. *rolls eyes* who gives a twohoots if you choose to believe some exaggerated cerita rergarding someones personal life. It's theirs so get off tthe case wouldja?

And who asked YOU to believe them in the first place. Blogging is one way to express what you feel about issues. Although some may be rather taboo, so what? Here's something I wrote a few years back regarding the whole notion of HELL. And if you want me to be quiet about it, I suggest YOU COME HERE AND MAKE ME.


Well, there's this life and there's heaven and hell right? What is life? My opinion is that life is like high school... well maybe just school. This because what you do here effects your afterlife. Think about it... here, it's like your a juvie (see juvenile) and the things you do are only punishable as a probationary offence. And hell, on the other hand, is the bighouse... yeah, the prison. you go there for a given time to repent for juvie sins and if your juvie sins include murder, sodomy, adultery, etc. you stay there for eternity... which is like a life sentence, but the worst part is YOU NEVER DIE! You just go through the rest of your afterlife repenting for these heinous crimes that YOU committed.

So, this means that since hell is like prison, almost everyone whose done their time will be able to live a peaceful life... or err... afterlife in heaven. Provided that your time done ends before Judgment Day. During Judgment Day, its a whole different set of teeth. Think it as Your final hearing before the jury (God Almighty). And that He is also your Judge and defence attorney... boy that sucks. and the worst part is you're not wearing anything and your sins take up their oath on a colour screen plasma 'larger than average' TV. If you make it through the hearing, you get out of jail free, otherwise... its the eternal bighouse for you.

And then there's the merit (pahala) and demerit (dosa) system. You follow the rules you get merits (pahala), and if you don't or do something wrong, you get demerits (dosa)... which entitles you to a certain amount of time in hell. Not your cup of tea? Well, thats how it works and like i said... Life is your probationary period... so that He knows whether your good enough for heaven... so cheers to Life!

Speaking of cheers, My dad put's up a good argument of whether alcohol is indeed haram. Go and read the Quran translation (in english by Yusof Ali) and you'll understand why most eyes open wider than after listening to the mundane drawlings of that imam in the masjid you go to for Friday Prayers.

I think i've given suffice rant-ing.

Totally random: Frankenstein hates you

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i rock

I rock.
Me: Ariff! you ate my ice-cream
My brother: No!
Me: It was in the freezer for a month you know, I was gonna throw it away...
My brother: Oh, no wonder i sakit perut...
My brother: NO!!!
Denial is not just a river in egypt mate...

I think he bonked his head with golf balls one too many times... lol!

Random: Gimme a lamb kobidi kebab lite...

Monday, July 24, 2006

toootally random


I feel my arse growing roots from sitting in one place too long. It's not funny. Finally got down to last resort: Wasting money on sms-ing ppl... yeh...
That and i wrote a poem about what the world is coming too as well and what should be done i guess... so i says: I'm too fun to be a human robot! *grins and bounces around throwing flowers*


Satirical formula that appeases the nations,
Walking around following station to station,
Gasping for breath as you run out of patience,
A real human does live only in probation.

The robot takes over for human-kind,
thinks alike and with like of mind,
This robot is not of steel behind,
But of flesh and bone like yours or mine.

Eloquent speech and body perfection,
He or she sits through idle opression,
Plastic as ever benign depression,
To comform without whim and without suggestion.

Dumbed down is society governed by throne,
Intellect hijacked, memories owned,
Free will and thinking is all away thrown,
leaving you and i to each his own.

Can you speak up? can you suggest?
Can you deny to bring out your best?
Forget all programmes, put you to the test,
And see that you have much more than the rest.

Noice eh? In other words: Use your brains and think for yourselves damnit! don't let the media/government propaganda/conspiracy theories think for you!

(To Raimie: Read this Mr. Smile-lines! and rate it, cos i know its good...)

It's almost dinner time... I think it's kuzi ayam kot... yummyness... *stomach growls*
Speaking to Nourma about stuff like hooking up (what guys i should go on dates with), and i shoot down every suggestion she ever makes saying that he's soooooooooooo not my type... but thinking twice about it, belum cuba belum tau rite? Damn you malay catch-phrases!!!

P/S: New story up in Project Aries... go look!
P/S/S: I broke a nail... how blonde... hahahahahhaahah...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

arsed my foot


And it hurts like the buggery. That is my current overused phrase for now. Reason being I DID arse my foot by faling down and it DOES hurt like the buggery as it is now sprained.

Anyhoo, here's some pichas of my pet cat, Armand's, early birthday gathering with the RSGC clan...

The cake Posted by Picasa

Armand and the cake, bazli's hand and my soister in white... oh yea... and zuri's baju... Posted by Picasa

After he got cakefaced Posted by Picasa

Semua orang!!! Posted by Picasa

Bazli, me and Naf Posted by Picasa

Farah Amirah, Yunnie and Bazli the pig Posted by Picasa

Iskandar and Zita Posted by Picasa

For the love of Armand, i sprained my foot. So there...

Saturday, July 22, 2006



Was so much fun! Here's some pichas...

Jess and (Ab)Nourma(l) Posted by Picasa

Chelle, Mo, Nourma and I in the Kitchen Posted by Picasa

I'm potong-ing bananananas... oops... Posted by Picasa

Bear gave me chocs cos he's a darling. Posted by Picasa

We was laughing about something... Posted by Picasa

Nourma and MoPosted by Picasa

Jack and ChellePosted by Picasa

Jack and Chelle Posted by Picasa

Chelle and SanaPosted by Picasa

Monkeys of the bulatan tablePosted by Picasa

Chelle, Sana, Jess and NourmaPosted by Picasa

I forget why Sana broke his hand... Posted by Picasa

It's not abstract... its bottles of soh-dahPosted by Picasa

Mushroom and pavlova(Raimie kata blablabla)Posted by Picasa

Nourma and MoPosted by Picasa

AgainPosted by Picasa

Prebaked blablablasPosted by Picasa

Hokay... Lyddat lah, no more pichas cos i forgot about it and the camera switched hands so many times... *sigh*

Birthday Calls!
Happy birthday to: Armand, Selene and Firdaus! Everyone dah tua. mahahhaha!!!

So, i was observing the newbies to my social circle

-Can't stop talking
-Can sing and play Hotel California
-Thinks Michelle is hot
-Didn't know the meaning of denial (NOT a river in egypt.)
-Thinks Fiji is in Europe (OMGWTFBBQ)
-Is kinda cute but is 2 years YOUNGER THAN ME! Oleh sebab itu, my sister kejar. *sigh*
-Is going to watch PCD.
-Likes wierd movies

-has really cute smile lines (wrinkles. not teeth)
-First really talkative and then stopped saying much after Emyrul started jabbering his mouth off
-His mom owns a bakery (i wanna meet your mom!)
-Reminds me a teensy bit of an old friend.
-Baik to the max
-Goes to Russian classes
-Wants to do med but doesnt know what mammary is... (i told him it's boobies)

(I couldn't help it... sorry...)

I realised that for steamboat, 10 to 13 people is just enough to make it fun for everyone. Nothing more nothing less. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Totally Random: Michelle watched Elmo count bananas... whattehfeck? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting